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*Jack Edwards Pov*

*One Week Later*

Jack and I were messing around with some cords for some new music when I get a text from Matthew. "You know, how it goes, when you fall for the wrong one..." Gilinsky quietly sings as the track plays.

"I messed up so bad, man...."

"Yeah, you did. She was a wreck after you left." I say back.

"I saw her newest vlog today and she was smiling and laughing, I could see in her eyes she was glad to be home with her family. It was the same look she used to give me when we first saw each other. She was so happy..... Then someone mentioned my name and I could tell she loved hearing my name again, I could tell that there was still some love there, but I could also see the fear. She's afraid of me, not physically, but emotionally... And that's what hurt me most.... I love that girl so much that it terrifies me. I'd do anything and everything and anything to make sure she's happy and smiling, even if she's not with me or I'm the reason for it. My love for her is so real man, it's so strong and powerful... She still makes my day and she doesn't even know it. I still see her in my dreams, that's where she always is. I still think about her all day, everyday, and every time I wake up and before I fall asleep. She's everywhere, everything reminds me of her. I miss her s much man... I just want to hold her again, to make her feel safe and loved again. I wish she wasn't afraid of me... I wish I could be the reason for her smile again, or make her blush just one more time. But I fucked all that up. I shouldn't have taken it all for granted."

"Dude," Jack says looking at me, "are you crying?" I don't even reply, I just toss him my phone, "Well shit, bro..." he says sniffling a little.

He tosses me back the phone and I reply, "Dude, you need to see her, talk to her..."

"She doesn't want to see me. 😔"

"Gilinsk, Sammy, and I are going to see her next week if you change your mind."


*Coras Pov*

"What's your favorite pick-up line?" The interviewer asks.

Shawn shakes his head and says, "I don't talk to girls, girls are scary." causing the crowd to burst into laughter.

"Okay, here I have one of you recent Tweets that I would like you to explain to me," the interviewer says.

"Alright," Shawn says, "I can do that."

"Operation try to get into Cams bed naked has failed." the interviewer says with a bewildered face.

Shawn laughs and says, "Well a week ago my friends and I were all in a hotel together and well..." He says now scratching his head, "I tried to get into his bed naked... It clearly didn't work, but I almost got Nash."

I was sitting in my bedroom at one in the morning watching videos of my favorite Internet friends when I get a facetime request from Finnegan. I accept the request and see the Jacks, Sammy, and Skate pop up on screen.

"Hey, babygirl! How are you doing?" Sammy says.

"Much better," I say with a smile, "I can think about him without crying, which is great. And babygirl?" I say the last part with knitted brows signaling my confusion.

"It's his new nickname for any girl he wants to fuck," Finnegan says with an eye-roll, "Skate has adopted it too."


"Are you ready for our visit on Monday?" Edward asks, "Only three more days!"

I smile and nod rapidly, "I am so ready! I can't wait to see you guys again!"

"We can't either." Sammy says with a wide smile on his face.

"I can't wait until we get to jump on you every morning for a week." Edward says high-fiving Finnegan. Our conversation goes on for another couple of hours after that, until I hang up to go to bed.


The next few days passed quickly, and before I knew it I was waiting at the airport for Sam and the Jacks, "Excuse me," I hear a familiar voice say, "do you know where I can find Cora Sanders?"

I turn around and see Nash and Cameron standing in front of me in all their glory, "What are you doing here!" I say hugging Cam and squealing, "I thought it was only the Jacks and Sammy!"

"Well Johnson called us the other night telling us that you missed us, so we decided to come hang for a bit!" Nash says hugging me and smiling.

"That I did," Edward says throwing his bag on top of Cams.

I squeal again and hug Jack Edward tightly, "I missed you so much, Jack." I say squeezing my eyes shut.

Cam elbows Nash and says, "She called him Jack...."

He holds me tighter and says, "I missed you too, I've been so worried."

"I'm okay, really." I say releasing him and opening my eyes.

"Our turn!" Sammy says as he and Gilinsky squish me into a hug.

"Alright, time to get going." Cam says.

I hop on his back, "To the parking lot!"

"Gilinsk, get my bag would you!" he says before running towards the parking lot with me on his back.

Once we arrive back at my house the boys, except Edward, went off and adventured around the house. They started with the kitchen, as expected.

"Have you talked to him?" he asks wrapping an arm around my torso.

"No," I say laying my head down on his shoulder as we walk towards the Toy Room, "I think about texting him everyday, but I've been unable to actually do it.

We walk into the Toy Room and find the rest of the guys wandering around and playing with the things some of the fans sent me. Except Cameron who was sitting in one of my beanbags texting someone with a giddy smile on his face.

I plop down in the beanbag chair next to him and say, "So, who is she."

He looks at me with embarrassment written on his face, "How did you know I'm talking to a girl? I could be texting Carter you know." he points out.

"Nobody smiles like that texting Carter, it just doesn't happen." I say shaking my head, "Who is she?"

"Her name is Gabriella," he says smiling at just the thought of her, "she's not an Internet celebrity like us. She's a normal California girl with long, dark brown hair and light green eyes. I met her at the beach last week and I haven't stopped thinking about her since."

"You really like her don't you?" I ask with a smile.

"Yeah," he says with a sigh looking down, "the only problem is, so does her boyfriend."

"That really, really sucks..." I say frowning.

"Yeah, they got together a few days after I met her," He then looks back up at me and says, "I've never liked a girl as much as I've liked her."

"Well it's her loss," I then crawl into his beanbag chair with him and say, "she could be dating The Cameron Dallas, but she chose someone else."

"Thanks Cora." He says letting me out of our hug.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon