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When I get back Mahogany, Jenn, Andrea, Lauren, and Arden run up to me and pull me towards the hotel leaving Matt standing by his car with a very confused look on his face. But it could pass as amused too, so I don't know what it was.

Once in the elevator inside Andrea says, "What happened! We expected you to be gone for like, two hours! You were gone all day! Did you have sex!"

I laugh and say, "No, no way!"

"Then what happened?" Mahogany says with a giddy smile on her face.

"I promise I'll show you the video." I say.

That gets Ardens attention, "You made a sex tape! Whats wrong with you!" She screams.

"Dear Lord, no! We did not make a sex tape! There was no sex involved, geez!" I with a horrified look, "Plus, why would I show you my sex tape?"

"To show off?" She says and Mahogany giggles, then the elevator dinged then we all got out and went to my room. Once in the room I grab a dry pair of jean shorts, underwear, a white t-shirt that says 'take me to neverland' in galaxy print then put it all in the bathroom.

I take my camera then throw it at Jenn, "Hook that up to my computer, the most recently filmed video is the one you want to watch." I then go into the bathroom and take a quick warm shower, get dressed, dry and curl my hair, and reapply mascara. I then exit the bathroom to see all the girls looking at me with wide eyes.

"Is it that bad? I didn't think it was that bad." I say sitting down next to all the girls.

Mahogany looks at Jenn then the two of them fangirl, then the rest of the girls fangirl. Once the fangirling was over Mahogany says, "The fans are going to love this! They have been shipping you two since he started Magcon!"

"Woah, hold up." I say, "The fans arn't going to see that part. I'm going to edit it out because Matt and I arn't dating and I honestly don't think they need to see me kiss Matt in two videos they will go absolutely insane." I give them my are-you-kidding-me look.

"Cora, they have to see this!" Andrea says, "It is the perfect moment! I'm actually kinda jealous... Matt is an amazing guy!"

"I know that but-" I start then Lox cuts me off.

"Fine you don't have to post it now. But if you two ever start dating I want to see you hit that post button." She says looking at me piercingly.

"Okay, if I ever date Matt I will post it." I say. I then look at the clock, "Whoops, I gotta go I will see you guys after my meeting." I then slip on a pair of socks and some white Vans then run exit the room running down the stairs.

Once I am in the room where the meeting is about to be held, also the room where all the meet and greet stuff will be happening, I look around and see that PewDiePie, Miranda Sings (Well Colleen who plays Miranda), Tyler Oakley, Jenna Marbles, Brittany Furlan, King Bach, Lele Pons, Curtis Lepore, and Marcus Johns.

Of course, this is most the people that had to be here early this week. Including me.

"Okay, guys!" A man says getting our attention, "I'm Chad Hurley, co-founder of YouTube and co-creater of InterCon, or  Internet Convention."

Another man says, "I'm Colin Kroll, co-creator of Vine and co-creator of InterCon. And we are the reason your here."

Basically the reason why I'm in this meeting is so that they can explain that the ten of us Internet stars will be in a meet up at this time tomorrow. And it's one of the most important groups because we are the top ten requested people to be here. After that twenty minute meeting, I got to actually talk to the other people. I actualy got close with Jenna Marbles, Brittany Furlan, and Tyler Oakley; it was really cool.

After the meeting I met Magcon and the girls in the dining area. "So what was that about?" Johnson asks once we had our food.

"Me and nine other of the most requested Internet stars are in a meet and greet together." I say.

"That's going to be insane." Lauren says with wide eyes.

"Yeah probably. The ten of us always have insane meet and greets, but your ten of the most popular people on the Internet. It's going to be psychotic." Cameron says.

"I can't wait untill tomorrow." I sigh being sarcastic, laying my head on Matts shoulder.

"You'll be fine, I promise." He says putting down his burger and squeezing my hand. I smile at him then we all finish eating.

After dinner everyone walks into the conference room and sit down. As soon as were seated we get the same introduction from the same guys then Chad Hurley says, "Okay I'm going to be honest. This group of people was the most requested. Not even the top Viners and YouTubers were requested as much as this group."

"Even though we try to get ten or less people in a group, we had to fit Cora into the mix." Colin Kroll says.

We all look around at each other with wide eyes. Then Shawn asks, "Like, no joke. This group was requested more than any other?"

"That would be correct." Chad says.

The rest of the meeting went the same way then when we all left I we ran into Colleen Ballinger, also known as Miranda incase you forgot, "Hey, Cora. Fans have been requesting all week for you to be in a Miranda video. And it would be really fun too. So are you in?"

I hear Carter yell, "Say yes, dipshit!" From behind me.

I look around at the rest of my friends, who are telling me to say yes, then I say, "Yeah that would be amazing!" Then I hear clapping, Colleen hugs me says bye then leaves after telling me to meet her here after my last meet and greet.

Then Matt says, "Cora, go get your vlog camera were all going to Santa Monica Pier."

I go upstairs and get my camera then when I get back Matt is the only one still there, "They're gone arn't they." I say with a smile on my face.

"Yeah they did. But I'm here because I'm cool." He says with a smile. I'm kind of glad he is the only one here, I like being alone with him. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends but I like Matt too. Just a bit differently than the others.

On the way there we listened to Hoodie Allen songs and played weird guessing games. Once we were insde the place we saw all our friends in the food court. Shocker right? I didn't think so either.

I walk over and sit between Mahogany and Aaron and say, "I have an idea." I say it loud enough so everyone can hear me, from all the girls (who had tagged along with Mahogany) to the boys on the other side of the table.

"And what would that be?" Shawn says next to me, except it was full of muffin so it was very muffled.

I giggle and say, "If we win enough stuff tonight we'll all sign it and hand it out to fans tomorrow."

Everyone nods and then we all split up into groups. My group was me, Arden, Lauren, Matt, Carter, and Shawn. We all head off in our separate groups and agree to meet back here in a couple hours.

First we go to the balloon darts game, popping baloons with darts it's self explanatory. Matt, Carter, and I all play this one. Matt pops four baloons, Carter pops five, and I pop five we win a total of four stuffed animals here.

Next we go to the basketball toss; all the boys play this one. Out of twelve balls Carter makes nine, Matt makes eleven, and Shawn makes ten.

Matt wraps his arms around my waist from behind then says, "Impressesd?"

"Nope." I say popping the 'p' and giggling.

"Oh, I'd like to see you try!" He says smiling.

"No way, I suck big time at sports." I say with a smile.

The guys got six stuffed animals here and Carter asks the man for a trash bag, the guy grabs a bag then Carter fills it with the animals he then slings it over his shoulder and starts strutting to the next game.

I laugh at his weirdness then hop on Matts back and say, "Carry me, slave!" He laughs then holds onto my legs and keeps walking. I smile and cuddle into his neck as I think about what a perfect day today has been.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now