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*Gabriella's Pov* (A/N: Cam's love interest in case you forgot. Okay, bye!)

I stood on my tippy-toes, as I am fairly short, as I shakily reached for the spare key Cam keeps on the door frame to his apartment. Once I had it in my grasp I put into the keyhole and turned, opening the door. I was greeted by an overly excited Jaxx.

I sat down next to him on the floor as I ruffled his ears. He licked the tears off my cheeks as I sat there rubbing the top of his head, "Where's Cam, Jaxx? Hmm? Where's Cammy?" I ask him, he jumps up and starts trotting down the hallway towards Cameron's bedroom.

Once in the room Jaxx sat down with his butt against the bathroom door, since it was closed and he doesn't have thumbs. By the sound of the shower running and the sound of Cam humming lyrics to Drake, I can safely guess that he's in the shower. By the way who decides to shower at three in the morning? That's just plain weird!

I slide into Cameron's bed underneath the soft, warm covers soon joined by Jaxx and his fluffy fur. I buried my head into Cams pillow taking in his scent as I remember what my now ex boyfriend, for the ninth time to be exact, did this time.

I soon fell asleep soon after that but woke up an hour or so later with Cameron's arms wraped around my waist and his head buried into my long, thick hair. I could hear the sounds of his light snoring coming from his open mouth as I flipped over to look at him as he slept.

"Huh?" He asked in a thick morning voice, "He did it again didn't he?" he said sighing in spite of my boyfriend. He has never been that amazing of a boyfriend. Always yelling at me and threatening to beat me, and sometimes living up to his word. But I 'loved' him so I put up with him. I'm stupid, I know.

All I had to do was sniff for him to know that he was right, he sat up in bed leaning against the headboard pulling me into his lap, "Babe, you've got to leave him. All he's ever going to do to you if you stay is hurt you, you deserve someone that will actually love you."

"I did, leave him I mean..." I say burying my head into his shirt and letting silent tears slip down my face.

"Good, I hated that ass-hat." he says brushing my hair back.

I looked at him then, at the boy who listened to me complain about how shitty my boyfriend is then taking me to get ice cream. The boy who likes to brush my impossibly long hair out of my face or play with it making a mustache.

He then uses his thumb to wipe away a mascara stained tear from my face, then it was like something took over my body. I moved in and placed my lips on his and he immediately reacted, moving our lips together in sync and tightening his arms around me pulling me closer to him. It wasn't a rough kiss, it was sweet and gentle. Like he wouldn't ever intentionally hurt me, and always wanted to keep me safe and secure in his arms.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt