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*Cora's Pov*

I wake up the next morning to the Jacks jumping up and down on the bed. What a pleasant way to wake up, don't you think? Yeah, me either. "Edwardddddd!" I yell.

He plops down next to me and says, "Yes, dear?" with a childlike smile.

"Would you stop this madness!" I say putting my head in Matts chest. Why am I always being surprised by Matthew in my bed in the morning? It's not like he doesn't do it every morning. Oh, wait...

Jack Edward wraps his arms around Matt and I on my side as Finnegan does the same thing on the other side. "Ahhhhh, that's nice." he says.

"Awe aren't you four adorable?" Arden says walking in with my vlog camera.

"We know we are." Matt mumbles into my hair. Only at this point in time do I really notice that my cheek is pressed up to Matts naked torso. I could feel the muscles underneath me, which also means that Finnegan is cuddling with half naked Matt too. I would be jealous, but it's just to darn funny.

Edward and I sit up leaving Finnegan to spoon my boyfriend, God bless the inventor of the camera. I have Edward hand me the hotel phone and the two of us order breakfast, "Yeah, we'll take five stacks of pancakes," I say to the man on the other end of the phone.

"Make that six," Matt mumbles from beside me with that heavenly morning voice, that I hope to never get used to.

"Seven," Finnegan says into Matt neck. Dorks.

"Make that seven stacks of pancakes," I recite into the phone, suddenly Edward rips the phone from my grasp.

"Hey do you have any baby Daquan's?" he asks.

Oh, not again.

"Oh my gosh, you did not." I whisper holding in laughter.

"You don't?" He says, "Alright then, just the seven stacks of pancakes then," he says with a disappointed face, "Thank you."

"Vlogging is always so interesting with you people." Arden says laughing.

Matt and Finnegan sit up no longer cuddling, Matthew looks at me and says "How about a good morning kiss?"

"Fine but you've gotta catch me first." I say with a goofy smile before taking off towards the door.

I could hear the smile in his voice as he walks over to the camera and says, "This is why I love her." before jogging towards me.

I run faster, but he still is close behind me. Before I know it his arms are wrapped around my waist, "I really need to hit the gym more." I say panting.

"Noooooo!" He says spinning me around so I could see that beautiful smile of his, "I love my beautiful, nonathletic Cora."

I smile and give him his good morning kiss before we walk down back to the room hand in hand, "You two are so cute," Arden says still recording us.

"You recorded all of that?" Matt asks.

She nods, "The fans want to see how cute the two of you are!" she says with a wide smile.


Later that day after everyone left I got dressed in ripped back jeans, a white t-shirt, and back ankle boots, I put on a little make up, tied my hair in a bun on top of my head, and put on some gold and black bracelets.

Tonight I am hosting an event on the beach, the same beach we had our first meet up on, I can bring anyone I want onstage and I have to keep the fans excited. Which shouldn't be to hard, one time I sneezed at an event and the crowd went insane. Plus, Matts going to be there. If anything goes wrong, he'll fix it. He always does.

About thirty minutes later I walk onstage at my event, "Hey, guys!" I say with a wide smile looking out over all the fans, "Who's ready for what I have planned for you?" I ask them.

They cheer for a moment before I say, "First things first, one fan and three guys. Each guy uses one pickup line to try and win over the fans heart."

I pull a random fan onstage and sit her down in the middle of it on a chair, after giving her a hug, "Bring out Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, and Matt Espinosa, better known as Cashew!" The thousands of fans scream very loudly at the mention of their names and the sight of them walking in from behind the stage.

First is Cams turn, he walks up to the girl and says, "Hi, I'm doing a survey... What's your name, phone number, and. Are you free next Friday?" He say it all so seriously with a face I can only explain as Flynn Riders smolder, which I'm hoping that someone got a picture of.

Next is Nash, he 'smoothly' walks over to the fan and says, "Here, feel this shirt," she feels the shirt then he says, "You know what that feels like? Boyfriend material." He then winks and walks off, it's no wonder he's single...

Finally it's Matts turn, he walks over and says into his microphone, "I'm going to need a wingman in this one." Taylor runs out onstage, causing the fans to scream yet again, Matt whispers in his ear then says, "Cora, please forgive me for this, babe."

Oh, shit... This is going to be interesting...

"Hey, babe," Matt says looking at the fan, "You remind me of the twenty letters of the alphabet." He then bites his lip and pretends to check her out.

"Hey, dumbass, there are twenty-six letters in the alphabet." Taylor says.

"Oh, yeah." Matt says, "I forgot U, R, A, Q, T." Then the crowd roars with laughter and screaming.

"No, no, no, your still forgetting one." Taylor says shaking his head.

"You can get the D later, babe." He says attempting Sammy and Finnegan's favorite dance move, the body roll, then he and Tay walk back towards the guys.

I walk over next to the fan and say to her, "My boyfriend is an idiot if he thinks he's not going to regret that." Causing her to laugh, "So, who do you think won?" I ask her handing her the mic.

"It was obvious who won that. Matthew!" She says.

He takes a bow walking forward, "Thank you, thank you." he says wrapping an arm around both the fan and I, "I would like to thank Google, YouTube, and the rest of the Internet."

"I'm dating that guys," I said with a slightly scared face. Immediately after I said that the fans cheered like I just announced Dylan O'Brien was here, now that's something to cheer about. But after that the fans got scary quiet and afraid to move, "What's going o- AHHHHH!" I scream hearing something creep up from behind me.

I turn around and wack Skate and Kenny on the arms, "You guys are so cruel!" I say with a huff.

They both hug me and say, "Love you too, Cora!"

After that the magcon guys, Hayes, Sammy, Dillon Rupp, the girls, Our2ndLife, Jenna Marbles, Jennas' dogs, and Marcus Johns all came out on stage and danced around as Mahogany and Dillon messed around with the music.

In the middle of the madness I went to the side of the stage and announced that there would be a push up contest. While the people decided who was going to compete I was playing with one of Jennas' dogs when Matt walked up to me and says, "are you mad at me, babe?" Clearly aware of the fact that I wasn't mad.

I smile and shake my head as he closes his eyes and leans in for a kiss, at the last second I move and put Marbles, the dog, in my place. Marbles proceeds to kiss Matt on those perfect lips that send shivers up my spine. Once he realizes that he was not in fact kissing me he flips out and wipes off his lips, "You're so lucky I love you." he says places kisses all over my face.

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