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It's been several days since the last attempt from Matt, which is making me feel more nervous because, by now, I know he's not giving up anytime soon. Which is why I was really excited to go to the mall with the girls, Nash, Hayes, Skylynn, and Cameron, getting away from it all in the process. By now Hayes has gotten used to being around me and no longer stares at me for as long as he can, seriously that's what it was like the first two days of him being here.

I've given Andrea my vlog camera for the day because every time I go into a mall I get too distracted to pay attention to anything else, I wasn't surprised when she started vloging Nash, Sky, Cam, and I when we walked into the mall. Sky was on Nash's shoulders and I was on Cams shoulders which is just as scary as looking down from the roof of a three hundred story building in New York. Because he wobbles more, but still says I'm light which has to be a lie.

Mahogany and Lauren then get the idea of having Lox get on Lauren's shoulders, which ended with Mahogany laying on the ground next to Lauren clutching her arm and laughing her butt off at the same time. The rest laughed at the situation and I was beyond happy that it was on camera, her vine followers are going to eat that up like I eat ice cream.

Once we reached the middle of the mall we all sit down, except Nash and Sky who are chasing each other around the entire fountain which isn't exactly small, and attempt on deciding on what to do first.

"Well there are a few things I've always wanted to try...." I say.

"What would those things be?" Mahogany asks as I lay my legs down in her lap.

"Well, first I want to glue a penny to the ground ans see how many people try to pick it up. Second, hand a stranger a banana and say, 'Take this potato, and use it to save the world.' And lastly, I want to dress up like an M&M and run around screaming, 'The skittles are coming!'"

By now they are all laughing at my ridiculous ideas, "And we have a winner!" Cam says wiping away a tear, an actual tear I kid you not.

"To Walmart!" Arden says pretending to be superman running the wrong way, she quickly notices she's going the wrong way and turns around saying, "I know I went the wrong way and I totally meant to do it." We all laugh rolling our eyes and start making our way to Walmart, even Nash and Sky who are both exhausted now.

Once we had gotten our shopping done we walk back towards the fountain, Cam putting glue on the back of a penny the way there. Once we were there he placed it on the ground then we hid in some weird clothing store and watched as people failed to pick the penny up, one man started looking around for us as Arden and Nash had the genius idea of pretending to be mannequins. Needless to say, it didn't end well.

We were chased out of the store by a very slow, old lady wearing an ugly dress from the fifties.

After a while we decided that it was time to move on to the next ridiculous activity, handing out our 'potatoes.' I take one of the potatoes and walk around the store with Andrea following me around with the camera, I found a girl that looked about Cameron's age and walk up to her, "Here," I say handing her the potato, "Take this banana, and use it to save the world." I then walk away and run out the doors of the shop laughing as the others follow me out.

"Nash, I'm bored!" Skylynn says in her signature sassy tone.

He smiles picking her up and says, "Okay, what do you want to do?"

She points towards a playground and says, "I want to go in there!"

"Is it cool if I take her over there?" He asks.

"Yeah, that's fine." I say.

"Noooo!" Sky said wagging her finger in my face, well as close as she could get it to my face. She's like five, she can't reach my face, "You coming with us." she then puts her hands on her hips, I love this sassy little girl.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now