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"Cora, I don't want to wake up every morning knowing your mine but I can't hold you..." Matt says tears dripping down his face.

"You told me that it would be okay, you told me that we would make it through. You took an entire week to convince me we could, now you saying that we can't make it through?" I say filling with fear.

"Please don't make this harder than it already is... You'll move on, forget that we ever happened..."

"I don't care how many people there are in the world. I want you..."

"I'm sorry, Cora, we're through." he says turning around walking away.

"Matt." No reaction.

"Matt, please..." I say full of horror.

"Matthew!" I say screaming.


I sit straight up in bed screaming, I start taking deep breaths to control my breathing and wiping the hot tears off my face when Cameron runs in, "Cora, are you okay?" He says out of breath from running around the house.

I shake my head no and wipe more boiling hot tears off my face, "He crawls into the bed with me and wraps his arms around me, "Shhhh... It's okay." he says smoothing down my hair.

"I-It was t-the airport all o-o-over again!" I say between hiccups.

"I know, it sucks," he says still patting down my hair. I take a deep breath slide down in bed as Cam slips out of it, "Goodnight, Cora. If it happens again I swear I'll be back."

I take a shaky breath and I say, "I know you will."

*Camerons Pov*

After I went back to bed I got an hour of sleep before I hear her screams again, only this time it was worse. I run to her bedroom with the Jacks, Sammy, Nash, Daniel, and Matt not far behind me, once we were all in her room I watch her thrash around in bed with tears streaming from her closed eyes before sitting down next to her and attempting to wake her up. Except she wouldn't.

"What the hell?" I say aloud, "Why wont she wake up?"

"Let me try," Jack J says switching me spots and holding one of her hands to keep that arm from moving and hitting him in the face. But she just kept moving and screaming. He sighs getting out of the bed, "Okay then..."

We all tried to calm her sleeping, thrashing body until Matt is the only one who hadn't tried, "Come on guys! At least let me try!" He says exasperated.

"No way," Gilinsky says, "you've done enough."

"I say we give it a shot," Daniel says leaning against the wall yawning.

I look at him with disbelief, "You've got to be kidding me."

"I'm really not," He says, "That dream is probably about Matt leaving her in that airport, I'm assuming that if we make him lay down with her she'll calm down and I can go back to bed."

"He has a point..." Sammy mumbles under his breath.

She then let's out yet another loud scream, sighing I say, "Fine, but the second she starts getting worse I'm pulling him out of that bed by his ear.

Matt doesn't waste a second, he practically runs towards the bed and carefully climbs in next to her. She calms down right away, she doesn't scream or thrash around. He wraps his arms around her torso and she responds by burying her head into his chest and quietly sobbing.

"Called it." Daniel says walking out of the room.

I look at her, no longer crying into his shirt, "Try leaving the bed..." Nash says.

"Are you kidding she'll flip shit!" Matt whisper yells.

"Just try it." Johnson says, probably out of curiosity.

Matt sighs and reluctantly let's go of her and tries to move out of her bed, only for her to tightly grip his shirt and squeeze her eyes tightly closed. He immediately moves back towards her wrapping his arms back around her torso.

Dead serious he says, "I'm not letting her go until she says to, and right now it doesn't seem like she wants me to, so I would suggest you all go to bed."

We all exchange a look before filing out her bedroom door leaving Matt to quietly fix the mess he created.

*Cora's Pov*

I wake up the next morning to the smell of pancakes and bacon. But also the faint smell of Matts cologne, I slowly open my eyes and find myself cuddled into his chest, "Huh..." I whisper moving out of his arms careful not to wake him up.

I tiptoe out of my room then sprint down the stairs into the living room, "Hey, Sleeping Beauty! How was your sleep?" Sammy says with a knowing smirk.

I flop own on the couch next to him as Edward walks into the room sitting on the other side of me with a large stack of pancakes and some bacon, "What happened last night, because last I remember Matt wasn't in my bed when I fell asleep!"

Sammy and Edward look at each other and Sam says, "Do you want to tell her or can I?"

With a mouthful of bacon Edward says, "The pleasure is all yours."

Sammy smiles and says, "Last night the second time you had a nightmare you wouldn't let anyone calm you down, not even your brother, but when Matt lied down next to and wrapped his arms around your waist, it was like something clicked inside your mind and you finally stopped trying to attack people while you were sleeping."

"That's an adorable story." Edward says laughing. I whack his head with a pillow causing him to choke a little but then he shoots me a glare before going back to his food.

I hear a yawn and footsteps coming down the stairs before a sleepy Matt with bed head comes into view. I quickly get up and go into the kitchen and grabbing myself a plate of food. I end up eating in the sun room that overlooks the field beside the house, except today there wasn't much sun. Just grey clouds and long grass whipping in the wind as it slowly drops rain from the sky.

"You know the sky looked a lot like that the day we had our first real kiss," I hear a voice behind me say.

Without looking behind me to know it's Matt, I haven't kissed any one else in this house, "Yeah, it did..." a small smile forming on my face.

I put down my plate on the table as I feel his presence move to right behind the sofa I'm sitting in, he places his hands on the back of the sofa before moving in front of me offering me a hand and saying, "Come on,"

I scrunch my eyebrows together in confusion, "Where are we going?"

"Outside, we're going to dance again." He says with a smile of pure happiness on his face.

How do you tell him no with that smile on his face? "Okay, fine." I say taking his offered hand.

We walk outside hand in hand, once we had enough room he places his hand on my waist and the other on outstretched with him placed in it. I place my other hand on his shoulder as we start to move.

I watch our feet as I mess up time and time again, ugh why is this suddenly so difficult?

He moves my face up to where I'm looking him in the eyes, "Haven't you ever read any book that involves a couple and dancing? Look into my eyes, not at your feet."

I slightly nod and we continue dancing, better than before. We dance for a while with my head on his chest and rain dripping down our faces when I hear him say, "I'm so sorry for ever hurting you, I really am. I have been in just as bad of shape as you have since that day."

I hear someone scoff and turn to see Edward and everyone else, he says, "Matt, has been is worse shape that you have. I couldn't go an hour with getting some cute ass text about how much he needs you in his life." He rolls his eyes.

"You got that shit too!" Cam says scrolling through his phone. I laugh and blush a little burying my head into Matts shirt.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now