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I spend the car ride to the Santa Monica Pier riding between Sammy and Skate with Kenny in front of me, all of us talking and getting to know each other; they are both really cool guys. Once we all are there we ride the rides and mess around.

I guess someone brought some of the signed stuffed animals with us because Matt is running around yelling, "You get a car! You get a car! I feel like Oprah!" While handing them out to fans. Once he's out of animals he runs over and throws me over his shoulder and starts running again.

"Matthew! What are you doing!" I say laughing.

"I'm not sure! But you wouldn't believe how much cotton candy I just ate!" He says putting me down and looking at me with really wide eyes. Like, really wide without any reason besides a sugar rush.

Later on after a few rides on the Ferris Wheel I walk up to him and say in a sarcastic tone, "You tryna date or nah?!"

"We're sort of already dating, babe." he says back with a chuckle and a smirk causing me to look at him with wide eyes.

(A/N I have no clue who came up with this I just see it everywhere, and I'm sure you have too. I have always wanted to put it into an actual story so I did. Please don't hate me for it because I will NOT tolerate it.)

"We are not!" I say trying to figure out how to play this off.

"Be are best friends but friends don't look at each other like we do." He says holding my hand as we walk around. It's probably not a good thing, but I liked it. Holding his hand felt right, like it was what I was made to do. I do love Matt, but with both of us having such crazy schedules would it even work out if we started dating?

"Sure they do we do it all the time." I say still trying to get out of this mess.

He groans slightly then says under his breath, "We're different."

During the middle of our moment we left the guys and ended up inside a small ice cream cart. We both ordered then when I went to pay he grabbed the money and put it back in my hand and took out money of his own setting it down on the counter.

Once we were seated in a booth I say, "I could've paid."

"Yeah, well. It's too late for that now isn't it." He says with his signature goofy smile.

We spend the next couple hours with all our friends hanging out and enjoying each others company. I'm going to miss this when it's over.... I think to myself.


Once we get back to the hotel Cam, Nash, and Matt go and film an Ask Cashew. The rest of us go back to the commons area and hang out filming for all sorts of Social Media sites. I chose vlogging for my vlog channel. I sit down between the Jacks and say, "Say hello to the vlog channel subscribers!"

They both say hey then I turn my attention towards Finnegan, Jack G, and say, "Twitter wants me to do something for them."

"Ah, and what would that be young Cora?" He says with a Australian accent. Weirdo, I think to myself.

"They want me to touch your eyebrows for them." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"Go for it." He says with a small chuckle.

I reach over and feel them then say, "Okay Finnegan girls, or any other girls, don't hate me but they just feel like normal eyebrows. Whatever that feels like."

"The comments on this video will be all about his eyebrows now, you know that right?" Edward asks me.

"Yeah, they probably will." I agree.

"And why are you calling us Finnegan and Edward. Those are our middle names..."

I ignore him when I hear Taylor yelling from the hallway. The Jacks and I get up and walk into the hall where everyone else, except cashew of course, was waiting. "Taylor! Stop yelling! Whats going on!"

"I broke my fucking phone again!" He yells getting angry again.

I hand the camera to Edward then say, "Okay, I just can't talk to you when your being so emotional."

I could see all the rage in his eyes as he says, "What the hell are you talking about!"

"It's cute when your angry." I say with a small giggle. If you haven't figured out what I'm trying to do here then I'm treating him like most guys treat girls when their angry.

"What the fuck, Cora!" He says getting more angry by the second.

"Tay, calm down." I say soothingly.

"What the actual fuck is going on right now?" He asks to no one in particular while still screaming.

"Wait... Are you on your period?" I ask trying not to burst into laughter.

He stands in shock for a moment before saying, "Now I understand what's going on. Well played, Cora. Well played." He then gives me a high-five.

"Why thank you kind sir."

After that we all went back and sat down. Carter sits down next to me and starts to make a vine.

"Guys I'm serious, I'm dating Cora." He says wrapping his free arm around me.

I laugh a little then say, "Finally we can tell people!"

Then from the other couch Shawn says, "I'm dating Cora...?"

I turn to him and say, "It's not what it looks like, babe." I then laugh at the ridiculous of the plot for Carters vine.

The vine ends then Andrea walks over to us with a wide, scary, smile. "Come with me girls." She says pulling us girls to the front door.

"I have an idea." She says with her I'm-up-to-something smile.

"Yeah, I don't want to end up in jail. So, I'm gonna go." I say starting to walk away.

She puts her hands on my shoulders and pulls me back into the group. "Your not going anywhere but the Our2ndLife house. Or Taco Bell."

"Why Taco Bell?" I ask.

"That's the first question you ask?" Mahogany says.

"Because I love Taco Bell, okay!" Andrea says throwing up her hands. "And there's an eighty-five percent chance that you wont end up in jail."

"Woah! Just eighty-five percent!" Arden says from across from me.

"It's better than seven percent!" Andrea says.

"What are you planning?" asks Jenn.

"I'm glad you asked." Andrea says with the scary smile back on her face, "We're going to break into the Our2ndLife house and go through their stuff for a YouTube video!"

"Well this wouldn't be the first time I went to jail for a YouTube video..." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"We aren't going to jail." Andrea says rolling her eyes.

"What was the first time?" Lauren asks.

"I'd rather not talk about it..." I say remembering the horrible event.

"You don't know we'll end up in jail." Arden says pointing at Andrea with the spoon from her ice cream.

Andrea takes the spoon and the ice cream and started walking away. "Come on you slow pokes! We have a house to break into!"

We all exchange a look before reluctantly following her.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now