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After my moment of freaking out Mahogany tells me that she has a surpise for me then wiggles she eyebrows. I love surprises so I go hop in the shower, when I'm done I put on a Mickey Mouse tank top, a pair of denim shorts, and white converse.

When I'm done Mahogany grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room. It's a good thing I already have my phone because this girl has a death grip on me. We get into the elevator and go down to the main floor and she drags me to a commons area.

I stop as soon as we get there, I'm crying a little bit too. Sitting all around the room are the magcon guys. "Mahogany Cheyenne Gordy! I am seriously crying right now!" I say wiping away a tear.

She laughs and some of the guys stand up and the rest just sit there staring at me. But there is one that keeps my heart flipping out, Matthew Espinosa.

He stands up and walks over and hugs me causing my heart to beat even faster than I thought possible, "The sight of us made her cry... I'm living the life, man!" Taylor says fist bumping Carter.

I laugh and hug Matt, when we let go Matt says, "I have wanted to hug her for so long, oh my gosh."

I laugh then wipe off the remaining tears and say, "Umm... wow. It's one thing to hug Nash and Cam. But seeing all my idols together and excited to see me, that's insane."

After that we all hang out in the lobby and I get used to having all my idols around, I even got to meet Miranda Sings which was amazing. After that we decide to film a video, and put it on my channel because they actually wanted to be on mine and I wouldn't object. So Mahogany and I go get the equipment then set up in the lobby. I suggested going upstairs but Nash just yelled 'yolo' and kept setting up.

I do the intro and tell them we are going a kind of truth or dare, but you can only pick truth once. We then all tweet for dares on Twitter, except for me because most of the time I get things like this off YouTube. Once we had our dares Aaron asks me, "Truth or dare?"

"Truth, let's just get it out of the way." I say.

"Who was you last kiss?" Lox asks.

"I haven't had a real first kiss yet." I say shaking my head.

"Really?" Cam asks.

I shake my head and we move on with life. Then for a while things get weird, Aaron ends up running around outside, by the fans, with only his boxers on. It was the funniest thing I've seen all day. Then Jack G admits that he and Johnson have kissed once while drunk, which was really weird.

Other dares were done but when I announced we had time for one more dare Mahogany says, "Cora, I dare you to let five of us pick things for you to lick, but you'll be blindfolded." She says the last part with a smirk scaring me a bit. But I nod and say okay then Aaron, Jack J, Nash, and Carter get up to go find objects and I'm going to guess Mahogany already has an object in mind.

Taylor then takes his bandana off and ties it around my eyes. I then say, "I am living the life, I get to wear Tays bandana! Bow down Taylor girls!"

That causes Taylor to laugh then Cam says, "Okay they have their objects!" But he says it while laughing. What have I gotten myself into?

"Okay ready?" Carter asks.

I groan then say, "I think so..."

I stick my tungue out then Carter shoves something in my mouth, not going to lie I think it's his dick. I quickly slap him to get the object out of my mouth then say, "Carter, I swear if that's your dick I will call the police!"

"It wasn't my dick, I swear!" he says laughing with everyone else.

"Okay, I believe you. Now I wanna try again." He sticks it on my tongue again and I immediately know what it is. "Oh. It's a banana."

He laughs and then Aaron says, "Open up."

I do as told then a stuffed animal of some kind is on my tongue. When he removes it I say, "Stuffed animal, probably that one bear I saw you accept from a fan earlier."

"What! You guessed it right!" He says surprised.

"Yeah, I pay attention to you all, I promise. I've also watched all your vines and YouTube videos."

"She watches my videos! I am better than all of you!" He says probably running around ike an idiot.

"I watch all of you crazy peoples videos." I say.

"Well, I still feel special."

"I have no problem with that. Now, Next!"

I hear shuffling then Jack J says, "I love you and I'm so sorry about this."

I immediately get nervous and grab the hand of the person next to me. "Okay, I'm scared, but okay."

I open my mouth and I know exactly what's on my tongue. "Jack! Where did you get frozen peas! I hate peas! Gross....." I then spit them out and everyone laughs.

"Let's just move on shall we!" Nash says, "Mine is on a spoon and it's a liquid so be careful."

I open my mouth and the most foul and salty liquid consumes me. I swallow, and gag a little, then say, "What is that!"

"Vinegar." He says laughing.

"Okay, I'm done!" I say letting go of the persons hand.

"Nuh-uh." Mahogany says.

I groan and ask, "Am I going to hate it?"

"No, but you'll hate me." I raise an eyebrow then she says, "Oh and kiss this one. Not lick, kiss."

"Why would I do that! Lox you're scaring me!" I say nervously.

"Just do it." She says.

I sigh and agree then she says, "Now kiss!"

Then I realize that I'm the dumbest person in the world. I am having my first kiss right now with a magcon boy. When we are no longer kissing I say, "Okay a magcon boy."

Mahogany laughs then says, "Which one?"

I pull the person back and kiss them again, "Oh my gosh... Matthew?" I take off the blindfold and a nervous looking Matt stands in from of me. I look at him wide eyed then turn to the camera and say, "Yeah.. I think that's all for today... Um... Like, subscribe, and I post videos every Monday. Peace.."

I then move away from Matt grab my camera and calmly, yet I'm freaking out on the inside, walk back to my room. When I get there I set the camera on the dresser and lay down on the bed with my hands over my eyes. Now, I wait for Mahogany... I think.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now