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After our dance party I got everyone but the 'Omaha Squad,' as they're called, off the stage. They all sat in a row on stage shirtless, I guess they got a little hot dancing around like idiots and body rolling. I'm sure it's exhausting.

(A/N Check out the picture on the side you wont regret it.)

"Okay here I have for guys from Omaha all popular on the Internet." I say to the fans causing them to cheer, "I asked you guys to match these dirty pick up lines with the guy you think would tweet that line. I'll read the line and I'll have one of the guys guess who the fans thought it would be, your options are the original nine of magcon but there's only eight tweets." I say explaining the game.

Jack J was first in line, I walk over to him and say, "Lie down on the couch and pretend your legs hate each other,"

He laughs and says, "Wow, you just went for it didn't you?"

I laugh and say, "Guess!"

"Cam?" He says unsure of himself.

"This is so going to ruin friendships.... No."

I move over to Skate and he says, "I don't fucking know, Nash?"

I laugh and say, "Yeah, it's Nash!"

"What?!" He says laughing uncontrollably.

The girls, Magcon, and O2L all sit down around us, "I wouldn't say that," Nash says with a confused face.

I move over to Sammy and say, "Do you like jalapenos? Because in a minute imma be jalapeno pussy."

"You, really do go for it!" he says laughing, "That's got to be Johnson, that is something he would say." He says laughing.

I look at Edward and whisper, "He got it right..." into the mic.

"No way, no!" Jack Edward says.

I slowly nod and say, "Oh, yeah." I wrap an arm around Finnegan and say, "Finnegan, I'm going to give you the easy one. Don't answer this wrong please."

He looks at me with mock hurt and says, "Give it to me."

"Your going to regret that," Sammy mumbles causing me to wack the back of his head.

"Your so abusive!" He yelps rubbing the back of his head.

I smirk then look at Finnegan and say, "My guitar teacher says my fingering is good, especially on the G-string." as soon as I finish I look at Shawn, who has a look of horror on his face he then puts his head in his hands and shakes it slightly.

"Oh, my God, Shawn!" Finnegan says laughing.

I move on back to Edward, "Redeem yourself," I say, "Hey, babe, I'm kinda cold. Can I use your thighs as earmuffs?"

"Taylor?" he says slightly unsure.

"Yay, you got it!" I say clapping.

I then hear Cam say "Shawn is over here losing his innocence." while laughing.

I move to Skate, "I may not go down in history, but I will go down on you."

"What.... Matthew?" he says giving me a confused look.

Matts laugh fills my ears before I say, "Nope,"

I move to Sammy who says, "Cameron?"

"Nope, not Cam." I say moving on to Finnegan.

"Aaron." he says sure of himself.

"Yeah, that would be Aaron Carpenter." I say laughing a little; Aaron looks at me with the most confused, and slightly betrayed face, ever.

I go back to Edward and say, "Do you like yoga? Cause yoganna love this dick."

He bursts out laughing saying, "Carter, Carter! That's definitely Carter!"

"Indeed it is," I say going to Skate, "As long as you need a place to sit, you'll always have my face. Is that Matt, Cam, or Finnegan?"

"Gilinsky?" he says.

"Nope," I go to Sammy, "Is it Cam or Matthew?"

"Matt." He says with a look of pure concentration.

"Right you are." I move to Finnegan and say, "For the win, 'My cat is dead, can I play with your pussy instead?' is that Finnegan or Cameron?"

"Cam..." he says really unsure.

"Correct!" I say surprised, "Go Finnegan! You won!"


*Matts Pov*

The next morning I woke up before Cora, which is a little unusual, so I go to her room and sit next to her in bed editing my latest YouTube video and updating Twitter. Mahogany was asleep when I got here and Cora was too, after a while Cora starts patting around in bed looking for something. Out of curiosity I put my hand out for her to find, and when she did, she grabbed it and locked my fingers with hers.

This girl will be the death of me.

I eventually gave up on trying to concentrating on editing my video, who can focus on that when your beautiful girlfriend is laying peacefully asleep next to you looking more beautiful then ever? Not me, that's for sure. She's got messy bed hair, the blanket pulled up to her chin, one arm off the bed, the other holding my hand, and no makeup showing her natural beauty. I just can't get enough of it.

I set down my laptop and lay down next to her, feeling me lay down she cuddled up to me and laid her head down on my chest. She was so warm and close that I could feel the beat of her heart, beating in time with mine. I close my eyes and just feel her laying with me, asleep in my arms, and forget the world.


*Coras Pov*

I was sitting at Matts booth at his meet and greet, meeting fans, on his Twitter.


I tweet back saying, 'Did you know that there are 84 people in the U.S. named LOL?'

'TheMattEspinosa take a selfie of you and Matty boy and send it to us please?'

I walk over to Matt and the fan he was currently hugging and pose in front of them taking the picture, when I looked at the picture Matts eyes were wide open and his tongue was hanging out of his mouth while the fan had a cute smile on her face.

I tweet the picture and Matts phone blows up with notifications about how Matt and I are, 'The cutest couple ever.' How they got that from a picture of Matt, a fan, and I, we may never know.

A few fan filled hours later Matt and I were laying in his bed, him playing with our finger tips as I watched, "Matt, I'm scared." I say.

he immediately pulls me into his arms and I rest my head on his chest as he says, "Of what, babe? You know I don't want you to ever be afraid."

"I know you don't, it's just that, we have half a week before we're half a county away from each other..."

"Cora," he says looking into my eyes, "I don't care if we are three billion miles apart, as long as you know that I will always love you. Truthfully I could talk about you all day and all night and I'd still have a million more things to say. But too many words become meaningless, so I'll just leave it at you're the most wonderful person I've ever met, and I can't imagine not having you in my life. I love you and no distance is going to change that."

I smile into his naked chest and say, "I want to stay in your arms forever."

I could hear his smile as he says, "I already planned on keeping you here forever."

(A/N This was so cheesy, please forgive me, I really love cheese moments. And cheese in general lol.)

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now