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Lauren and I look at each other a second before I say, "That was an amazing video but the ending was a little abrupt."

She wipes away some tears and puts down her hardly touched popcorn and hands me my nest note and says, "Here take this, I'm going to go track down some tissues." Then runs off towards the direction I came from.

I smile and say, "We got that on video." I then open the letter and read it aloud.

"Dear Cora,
Your next note will be given to you by a friend that knows this is not a movie, that this is real. She'll be in a cave that glows, just follow the path of rose.
Love, Matthew."

I look at the camera and say, "Oh, this is not going to end well." I pick up the camera and start to walk down the path with roses lining it.

"These heels are killing me," I mumble as a walk down the, what seems like, never ending path. After about five minutes of walking I reach a river, not a very wide one, with flat, round rocks as my way across. I then notice something.

"Oh, hell no! Matthew Lee Espinosa!" I say angrily to the camera. I turn it to look at a sign that says, 'Beware of Bears!' in blue letters. I then point the camera back at me and scrunch my eyebrows together, "This is insanity."

I then bend over and take off my heels before putting one foot on the stone, then quickly putting the other next to it. Great, only six more to go. I think looking ahead of me, I sigh and keep going.

Once I get across the river I take a closer look at the cave. It really was glowing. "This is really starting to creep me out." I say looking inside it.

Once I had gained the courage to walk inside, which took a good ten minutes excluding the time it took to put my shoes back on, I find Andrea sitting on the floor staring up at the ceiling. The ceiling is amazing, it's glowing a light blue everywhere, it is so beautiful. But above all, the best thing about this scene was the two little bear cubs laying on the floor next to Andrea cuddling and taking a nap.

"Andrea, what's going on?" I ask with my mouth hanging open.

She sits up with a big smile, "Aren't they adorable!"

"Yeah, but where did Matt get two bear cubs?" I ask closing my mouth.

"Would you stop questioning it and enjoy it already?" She says patting the spot next to her and the cubs.

"Fine," I say sitting down next to her, "but I'm going to cuddle with that little guy." I then hand her the vlog camera and pick up one of the little balls of fluff. Seriously these things are the cutest things I've seen all month.

Besides Matthew.

Andrea and I play with the bear cubs for a while before she says, "Oh yeah, here's your next note." She then hands me the next note and continues recording me.

"Dear Cora,
These notes are getting hard to write, just have Andrea tell you which way to go to the beach.
Love, Matthew
P.S. I'm such a romantic."

"He's definitely a keeper." Andrea says giggling.

I just sigh and ask, "So, which way is the beach? And can I remove these evil shoes?"

"It's right through that archway," she says, "And you messed up the outfit Mahogany and I picked out!" She says with a huff.

(A/N: Picture of her outfit on the side!)

"One, thank you. Two, it's summer in California, I don't need a jacket. Three, I hate purses." I say crossing my arms as best I could while holding a bear cub.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now