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The next day right before my first panel Mahogany joins me onstage as the fans start to show up. "Guess who gets to dj!" she says dancing around.

"Hm..." I say tapping my chin, "Taylor and Gilinsky?"

"That's a scary thought." She says, "But no, it's me."

Then I hear a group of girls yell, "Mora!"

I turn and look at them before saying, "I think we have a ship name."

"Yeah, I think so." She says smiling at the girls.

Ten minutes later I sit down in my chair on the panel and Mahogany goes to her station. I can still feel the throbbing in my hand from signing fifty-three stuffed animals last night.

That makes me remember to give a couple of fans the stuffed animals. I quickly grab four of the bears and walk over to the group of girls, who are sitting in the front row of the audience, and hand them the bears, hug them, then go back to the panel.

As soon as I sit down Miranda and Jenna sit down next to me then we start. A few fans are given microphones and then the questions start.

"Cora, when will you upload your next video?" a short girl with red hair asks.

"At the latest, tomorrow. Sorry, I haven't been updating recently, I've been a little busy." I say with an apologetic smile.

Then the next couple of questions are like "Tyler, what is going to be you next hair color?" and "Marcus, what was it like filming your first movie?" (One of the best movies ever to be honest. Plus, Cam was in it so it had to be good.)

Then ten minutes from the end of the panel Miranda says, "You know what I want to know."

Tyler looks at her with a confused look and says, "What would that be?"

Miranda then looks at me, stands up, and says, "Why you aren't dating Matthew! You kissed!" Pronounced KEESED, the character this chick is playing is weird. Really weird.

This caused a riot from the fans. I posted the video I made with all the guys and Lox last night and I guess more people saw it than I expected. A security officer comes out and quiets down the fans then I say, "Matt and I are just friends. And I blame that kiss all on Dj Lox over there." I then point my thumb in Loxs direction.

Then the questions start coming, all of them about Matt and I. "When can we expect a video with Matt in it, Cora?"

I sigh and say, "By the end of the day on my vlog channel." Then I get up and walk behind stage where Matt, Nash, Lauren, and Andrea are waiting for me.

Matt opens his arms and I run towards him, "You okay?" He asks.

In that moment it's just me in Matts arms, the smell of his cologne mixed with my perfume and his hand stroking my hair. In all those books where the girl says it's like the whole world falls away and it's just her and the boy she's with, I though it was a feeling only in books. But here in Matts arms, it's true. Just him and me, the rest of the world is gone. I love it.

"Yeah, I'll be okay." I say pulling away reluctantly.

Then Nash opens his arms and I hug him which turns into a giant group hug. "Okay, were done." Andrea says, "Cora, lets get you to your room." I nod and let Lauren and Andrea hold my hands as we walk to my room. It's then I notice the stray tears on my cheeks.

Once we get to my room the girls wipe my face and fix my makeup before Matt comes in with some food. After the girls leave Matt sets the food down next to me as he sits down in front of me. Bacon, waffles, sausage, and some yogurt.

A Trip to Remember (Matt Espinosa)Where stories live. Discover now