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At around ten thirty Nash appears from behind the curtain. "Hey Cora." He says sitting down behind the booth.

"Hey, Nashley, what's up?" I say signing a fans shirt.

"Nothing much I was just taking a break from filming with Taylor and Cam. And I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me?"

I almost ripped the head off of a stuffed puppy. (A FREAKING PUPPY!) "I'm sorry, what was that?" I say turning around and putting the stuffed dog down.

He chuckles with a small smirk and repeats, "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

I swear time stood still in that moment. I'm technically single... But my heart is taken by someone else...

Oh, just imagine what Matt would say if I told him I was going on a date with someone else. And his best friend for that matter. What am I worrying about? Matt doesn't even feel the same way I do! Even if he did it wouldn't mean anything, it's just one date. It doesn't have to mean anything.

"Sure, it'll be fun." I say with a nervous smile. But your not Matt...

Curse my brain.

"Great! I'll pick you up at your room Friday at seven." He says before slipping back behind the curtain.

What have I gotten myself into...


*Matts Pov*

"The Jacks want me to ask you if your up to filming a YouTube video with them tonight." I say with a mouthful of taco.

I took Cora to Taco Bell for lunch, but I know there's something wrong and I know it's not her burrito.

"What? Oh, yeah I'll totally film a video with them!" She says distractedly.



"What's wrong." I ask setting down my taco.

She sighs and says, "Nash asked me out."

My eyes go wide. "What! Wait, holdddddd up. Like out, out? On a date?"

"Yeah..." She says taking a slow sip of her Baja Blast.

How could he! He knows I like her! I mean it's obvious! He knew before I told him yesterday!

I missed my chance... Cora and I have been close since the moment we met, really close. I had all that time with her and Nash still beat me to it!

"Well I'm happy for you." I say with my best fake smile. I don't want her to go, but if she really likes him then I don't want to be the one to stop her from going.

*Coras Pov*

Telling Matt wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be.

It was way worse.

I can't believe he wants me to go! I think as I get into Matts car. I knew he didn't like me back, I knew that we were friends and that's all!

When we arrive back at the hotel Matt and I are immediately surrounded by fans. We sign a few things and take some pictures before we are both escorted inside. As soon as we get inside I run up the stairs towards my room. Once inside I Mahogany says, "So, how's your day been."

I set my drink on the bedside table and collapse on my bed, "I don't think it could possibly get worse." I say turning toward her with a scowl.

"Well don't jinx it!" She says standing up from her bed, "What happened?"

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