Chapter 11 - Welcome Home

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A loud knock could be heard from the front door. Lisa and Bart were barking like crazy. Jack and Lily were snoring right next to my face and I knew soon enough my Mother would start screaming through the lock and wake up the neighbours. I moved slowly as not to wake up the snoring beauties and tiptoed to the front door. I take a few deep breaths in order to get myself mentally prepared for the abuse I was about to encounter.

"Lisa, Bart move." They moved slightly and waited eagerly for the door to open. I pulled at the door to reveal a very pissed off Mum. Dad who looked as though he just got off night shift half smiled and Edward looked calm.

"Where is my Granddaughter?" Mum yelled as she pushed passed me and stomped down the hallway.

"Mum, she's sleeping with Jack." I say as I turn to face her.

"What?" Edward asked from over my shoulder.

"Not like that you sicko! She came and slept with Jack and I 'cause she couldn't sleep." I explained. Dad pushed passed me while holding a large box. I only realised the box was filled with food when a delicious smell entered my nose.

Edward stepped in and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Sorry for punching you, it's bruising nicely though." Edward said as he pointed to where he punched me last night.

"Yeah, thanks." We joined Mum and Dad in the sitting room and I waited for the questions to start firing. Mum had signalled for Edward and I to sit down on the couch in front of her.

"Cameron, I love you, but if I ever hear from anyone that you swore at my grand baby I will drive over here and I will shoot you." Mum said angrily as she pushed a very tired looking Dad away from her. He was obviously trying to get her to calm down but it wasn't working.

"Now hang on! I am Lily's mother! And what the hell, you've sworn at me plenty of times." I justified.

"DON'T ANSWER BACK YOU FUCKING LITTLE SHIT!" Whoa. Mum just went from zero to 100, god damn. The room went quiet before a door could be heard squeaking from up the hall. We all turned around and saw Jack and Lily's head pop out the door. Ethan then popped his head out his door.

"Oh, who poked mama bear?" Ethan asked with a smirk as he exited his room and came to join us. Lily and Jack followed behind him.

"Be quiet, Ethan. Good morning Lily, there is some breakfast in the box over there, help yourself." Mum said in a controlled voice before she turned back to Edward and I. "Do you know what it was like to receive that call? And guess what, it wasn't from your father. I got a call from Hunter, Carl's son who was working security at the hospital last night, calling because he was concerned about you, Cameron. He's always had a thing for you, but that's not the point. I was so close to coming over here to beat the living crap out of both of you. You two are not children, you're not small any more and you both could have been seriously hurt. What-just what the hell were you two thinking? I cannot believe you two. And you, Craig, why didn't you call me? Are we going to keep things from each other now are we? I couldn't sleep a wink last night thinking about Lily and you, Cameron. I am so hurt by all of your actions." She stood huffing while crying and sobbing. Man, this woman is crazy. We all looked around at each other wondering what to say. Edward was stunned into silence for the first time ever. Dad looked at his hands awkwardly. Ethan, Jack and Lily were standing behind us silent.

"Wow, who pissed off Mum? Oh, did Cameron's biological father go for full custody?" Caz's voice invaded the awkward silent filled sitting room. We all turned sharply and stared at her unbelieving. She was mean't to arrive tomorrow and that was only arriving, we assumed we wouldn't see her and Dan because of the potential jet lag. I guess I was wrong.

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