Chapter 26 - Lily's Birthday

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Lily's birthday had come around faster than I thought. Two weeks of planning had come down to this day. She was now 14 and my whole family was throwing a party for her.

Ethan actually brought Tilly around which pleased Mum a considerable amount and she got on well with the whole family. I think she started to pick up that we were all suppressing our crazy just so she would feel comfortable. We weren't fooling anyone. Most importantly she looked genuinely happy.

Jack had come around early with Walter, his father and his Step-Mother. From what Lily told me, Jack and Walter didn't get on well with their Mother and their Step-Father, who were very vocal about their disapproval about Jack adopting Lily as his own. Lily said that he was on the phone and it was on speaker and she heard the whole conversation go down. Apparently, Jack swore and said that if either one of them came anywhere near Lily and him, he would cut their heads off. She then said that he went upstairs to calm down. I guess we all have our own unique family drama going on. 

Jack and I had received the final paper work in regards to Lily's adoption. She was now, OFFICIALLY, Lily Henderson-Thompson. We were going to announce it to everyone once they arrived. It took so long to change everything officially because of Jack's late entry into the roll of her father, which mean't they had to do background checks, living arrangements, background checks on his whole family. You name it, they did it. BUT, after waiting for so long everything is done and dusted. We are now officially parents. God, that's scary.

The day had started out perfectly and I only had to yell once so far at Edward and Damon who kept eating the finger food. Lily, Caz, Mum, Tilly, Jack's Step-Mother Helen, Grandma Ivy and Nana Rose had all gone to get their nails done. They had invited me along but me being the control freak I was I had to stay behind and make sure the men did everything I asked them to do. It was going on to 10am and the guest were turning up at 11am and the decorations were yet to be completed. I started barking orders which they all completely ignored so I left them to figure it out on their own. The door bell rang and I hurried up the hallway to answer. It was Emily with Lily's birthday cake. 

"What-up Momma? Move, this cake is heavy." She yelled. I laughed and followed her up the hallway into the kitchen. 

"Thank you so much! You really didn't need to buy her a cake." I said to Emily as I hugged her tightly. 

"Oh, pish-posh! That's my niece, I'm allowed to buy her a cake." She said as she hugged me back tightly. "Oh, my parents said sorry they couldn't make it, but they gave me their gift for Lily and you. So, here." 

"They didn't need to do that!" I exclaimed. "Thank you, I'll put it on the table." 

Emily had made her way outside to the men and found them in a state of wonder of how to do the pompom's. Emily being a natural born leader was useful as she started to direct, Ethan, Edward, Damon, Daniel, Jack and Walter. My Dad and Jack's Dad, Joe, sat on the patio sipping a beer and laughing at the disasters trying to hang up the decorations. I left everyone to their on vices and went to check on the sausage rolls. The door bell rang and I hurried up the hallway. I pulled the door open to see a courier delivering a big bunch of red roses. 

"Hi." I said wondering who these could be from.

"Hi, is Lily Still here?" He asked with a professional smile. 

"No, but I'm her Mother." I explained still staring at the beautifully bunched roses in front of me. 

"Perfect, you will do. Just sign here." He handed me a small machine along with a pen like instrument and I signed my name. He handed me the roses and with a bright smile left. I stepped back inside and closed the door quietly. There was a card that had Lily's name on it and I was itching to know who it was from. 

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