Chapter 19 - Broken Promises

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The room was decorated brightly with sparkly lights that added to the romantic feel of the room. There were more people here than I initially thought. The speakers were playing soft and romantic music and there was a lot of chatter. We entered the room quietly and looked around for Mum and Dad. Well, Caz, Dan and Lily were looking for Mum and Dad, I on the other hand was looking for Jack.

I was getting a lot of stares but the only eyes I wanted on me was Jack's and he was nowhere to be found.

I walked with Lily over to Nana Rose and was greeted with a mischievous grin.

"Nana, I haven't seen you in a long time. Where have you been hiding?" I asked Nana whispering loudly in her ear. She kissed me softly on the cheek.

"I've been staying at your fathers batch. I really like it out there. I don't have to see old grumpy bum Grandma Ivy." Nana laughed as she sipped on what I assumed to be gin. Lily and I laughed and I scanned the room once again.

He is meant to be here. I checked the roster on Ethan's phone. I know he's not working tonight so where the hell could he be? I am becoming more and more desperate here! I don't even want to be at this stupid party. I hate being around my Dad's workmates and friends; they're all weird and creepy.

"You couldn't have picked a shorter dress even if you tried." Edward said from behind me. I turned around and was greeted with Edward wearing a disgusted face.

"Shut up!" I growled while trying to pull down the dress.

"Listen here Lily, don't follow by your Mum's example; desperate." Lily and Edward laughed and I poked my tongue out. "Here can you at least wear my jacket? You're going to give old man Grant a heart attack."

Old man Grant is grandma Ivy's brother. He was as much of a weirdo as Grandma Ivy. He was so old school and believed women belonged in the kitchen. Lets just say my run ins with Mr Grant have not always been pleasant. I mouthed fuck you to Edward and he erupted in laughter.

Edward and I stood in the corner watching Lily mingle with everyone. We also stood watching and talking about which one of Dad's work mates were more likely to be storing tranny porn in their desks at work. Edward had said some good ones.

"Cameron, the dress code was formal and you went with desperate, how nice." Ethan said from behind Edward and I.

"Shut up." I looked down then looked back at Ethan. "Is it that obvious?" I asked slightly embarrassed.

"You look absolutely beautiful, Cameron." A female voice from beside Ethan said. I hadn't even noticed her standing there.

"Tilly?" I stood shocked and dumbfounded. She looked absolutely stunning, but what was she doing here with Ethan? "What are you doing here?" I reached forward and gave her a hug. She embraced me tightly.
She stepped back and looked at Ethan and they shared a look.

"I've been seeing Tilly for a little while, we wanted to keep it on the down low because of the court case and you." Ethan said awkwardly. "Alright, fuck it! Cameron, Edward, meet Tilly; my girlfriend." Ethan went as red as tomato. He placed his arm around Tilly's waist and pulled her into him. Edward and I jumped up and down squealing like little girls which made Ethan go even redder. He turned and walked away with Tilly not before pulling the middle finger at us. Edward and I just laughed and went to find Lily.

We found Lily sitting with Mum and Dad so we joined them.

"Hey, Dad!" I went over and hugged Dad.

"Where's the rest of your dress?" Dad whispered before erupting into laughter. I pushed him gently and he carried on laughing.

Mum pulled me to the side smiling and laughing before we were in the hallway away from everyone else. Her face went serious and she looked at me pointedly.

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