Chapter 15 - Ouch

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Lily had improved immensely in the wee hours of the morning. She was yet to open her eyes but she was responding well to the treatment. I haven't had a sleepless night since I was at university and had to pull all nighters to get my assignments done. I sent everyone home to get some rest while I waited for Lily to wake up. 

It was going on to 10 o'clock when Zach had turned up with flowers and a cute little teddy bear.

"Zach, I think its best if you tell me what happened." I said firmly when he had settled in to his seat.

"It started when Carmen turned up. Carmen and Lily use to be best friends until Carmen hooked up with Lily's boyfriend." Zach explained.

"That makes so much sense now." I said more to myself than to Zach.

"In Lily's defence it was Carmen who came in being a bi...cow." He quickly recovered. "Basically, Carmen said to Lily that she could drink her under the table. So, Lily and Carmen had a drinking contest and the first person who threw up lost. Carmen lost and went home drunk. Lily didn't want to get you involved because she knew she would get in trouble. She passed out drunk not long after and I called the ambulance and came in with her."
I stared at him for a while and he squirmed in his seat, nervous by my intense stare.

"Lily, you silly girl." I stated as I walked and stood next to her pushing the hair away from her face. She lay still and quite. Her chest moving up and down the only indication she was alive; that and the sound of the machines.

"I know Lily should have told you about the party but in Lily's defence it was only mean't to be a small get together, not a full blown party with under-age drinking." Zach explained.

"I wouldn't have cared if it was a small get together afterwards. Heck, that's what I did with my friends at my first college Ball. I wanted Lily and I to have an open and honest relationship; not one filled with lies." I explained to Zach and looking at Lily hoping she could hear every word.

The afternoon had come quickly and Lily still hadn't woken up. I was relieved from my bedside duties when Caz came and sent me to go and have a nap in the family room. I was way too tired to argue so I did what I was told.

My nap lasted longer than I intended and woke up at 8pm. I stood and stretched and walked soundlessly up the quiet corridor leading to the Children's Ward. I had arrived outside Lily's door and heard the familiar sound of Lily's laugh. I pressed my ear to the door, willing my hearing to hear more of the beautiful sound my soul so desperately yearned for. My chest filled with joy and love. My baby girl was awake. A rush of emotions hit me like a train and I heaved over gasping for air. Silent tears rolled down my face from the overwhelming sense of happiness, sadness, fear, concern and the sleepless night I had encountered. Also, the painful thought that I might have actually lost her.

Air finally made its way into my lungs as I threw my hand over my mouth to smother the loud sob that was close to escaping my lips. She was alive and she was okay. I turned the handle and stepped inside and she came into view. She looked weak, fragile and scared.

We eyed eachother carefully and the tension in the room had spiked. She broke eye contact first and look towards my Dad for saving. He walked over to her bedside and stood guard ready to protect her from my wrath.

"Lily, its good to see you awake." I said in a strained voice. She looked at her blankets and stared at it intently.

"Mum, I can explain." Said Lily, looking up at me.

"Go on, explain. Explain how you under-aged drank at a party that I had no idea about. Explain why you lied to me. Explain why Zach had to call an ambulance because you were so drunk you didn't even know the emergency number. I want you to explain what the FUCK possessed you to do something so stupid!" I yelled. I waited for someone to butt in. To tell me not to swear at her but everyone stayed quiet and look at Lily to explain. She looked around to everybody expecting them to jump in but she was bitterly disappointed when they just stared at her.

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