Chapter 23 - Property

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I had tried calling Jack for the past 20 minutes. God knows what he's gone to do so fired up. For precautionary reason and for serious concerns in the regards to Walters safety; I tried calling him also. Neither one of them answered.  


Lily sat at the table studying it carefully. 

"Lily, are you all right?" I asked concerned by her silence. She looked at me with tear filled eyes and shook her head.

"Tell me Mum, are you or are you not in love with Dad?" She asked close to tears. 

"Lily, why does it matter?" I sighed. 

"BECAUSE IT DOES!" She cried.

"Baby, why are you getting upset?" I asked sadly as my shoulders caved over in sadness and from the stress that is always associated with Jacks presences. 

"Because I don't want to get my hopes up that we can be a real family only to have my dreams dashed! I don't want you two to hate each other if you get back together and then break up. If you two are better apart, I would rather have it that way then letting my parents fight and bicker over me! I really want you both to be happy but if happiness is not with each other then don't be together." She said exasperated.   

I didn't have to time to respond as the sound of the front door being slammed against the wall, put me on high alert. I stood guard in front of Lily as Bart and Lisa ran up the hallway barking like mad. I had not expected to see what I saw in front of me. 

"JACK! What are you doing?" I screamed in alarm. Jack had his hand wrapped around the back of Walters neck, as Walter was crouched over, blood covering his face.

"Cameron, Lily, Walter has something to say." Jack said in an unrecognisable voice. He squeezed Walters neck and threatened him to tell the truth.

"Lily, I lied. Your Dad hasn't been sleeping with Dr. Briar. She's not even real. BUT he has been hooking up with other women!" Walter rushed out. Jack squeezed the back of Walter neck again and Walter screamed out in pain. 

"JACK, ENOUGH! YOU'RE SCARING LILY!" I yelled as I felt Lily grab onto the back of my shirt. She was sobbing as I felt every sob shake right through her. Jack looked as though he had realized what he was doing and put his bloody hands in the air. 

"Cameron, I'm not letting him ruin my life and I'm damn sure not letting him have you." Jack explained as he stepped away from Walter and stepped closer to Lily and I.

Walter fell to his knees and finally looked up at Lily and I. His face was covered in blood obviously from a cut that had formed on the top of his brow. His lip was spilt open and he had a bruise forming underneath his eye. I looked at Jack suddenly angry.

"How dare you!" I spat venomously. "You do not own me and I am NOT YOUR PROPERTY! You bring your brother to my house bloody and beaten, for what? To prove a point? To show me that he's a liar? All this has shown me is that I shouldn't trust you when Lily is in your care."

"Cameron thats," Jack interrupted quickly. 

"NO! You have not only scared Lily you have scared me and I don't know if I am okay with Lily being in your care. Get out of my house." I said calmly. He didn't move, he looked torn. "I SAID GET OUT!" He looked at me and then to Lily. He looked as though he was about to lose it at any moment and above all he looked broken. 

He exited, not before whispering a sorry to Walter as he walked past glumly. I took several deep breaths to try and hold myself together. I need to stay strong for Lily. Finally, I had found my sanity and I rushed to Walters side, picking him up and helping him to sit on a chair. 

"Lily, call uncle Ethan, tell him its an emergency and say that Mummy cut her finger really bad. Tell him to bring his aid kit." I demanded. Lily nodded her head and ran to make the phone call. I ran to the linen cupboard and retrieved a few cloths. I filled a bowl of warm water and threw in a vast amount of salt to clean Walters wounds. I dabbed the cloth gently at Walters wounds and he flinched back in pain. 

"Walter, stop being a bitch, its salt water." I said with a deeply annoyed face. 

"CAMERON! LILY!" Ethan exclaimed as he ran up the hall way. "Cameron? What the hell is going on? What happened to Walter?" 

"Jack." I said with a clinched jaw. 

Ethan pushed me out of the way to examine Walter more closely and got to work. I went to find Lily. I looked everywhere before I heard the sound of sobbing coming from my closet. I turned into my closet and found Lily holding onto one of Jack's shirts while sobbing uncontrollably. I sat next to her and held her in my arms just letting her know I was there for her. She sobbed even more and I fought hard to keep my emotions in check.

I really am too tired for this shit. 

It was late in the night and my whole family had cleared and gone home. Ethan had called everyone, concerned I might have a mental break down. Walter left not long after Ethan had patched him up. He explained he was sorry and that I should forgive his brother. He explained ever since he was little he wanted what Jack had and what Jack had now was a family...and me. But Jack didn't have me, he didn't own me and that's the bit that annoyed me the most. Lily had gone to bed early; today's events proving to be very emotionally draining. 

I packed the final dish into the dishwasher and added powder. I pushed start and made my way up the hallway and out the front door; not before grabbing my keys off the hanger. I hopped into my car and sighed heavily. I was so tired. I was tired of STILL having feelings for Jack. I was tired of ALL the drama I have been through these past couple of months and most of all I was tired that I didn't know how to handle all of this. 

Lily was right. It would be wrong of me and Jack to get together now. It was such a risk. We were raising a teenager together and they get so confused. I'm 26 years old and I get easily confused by life's sudden changes. 

I'm so confused about how I should feel. Fuck.

I started to cry. I came out to the car on purpose to cry as my shower tricked didn't really work. I cried loud and I cried ugly. I needed this to relieve the stress of the past couple of months. I was a police officer and a Mother so a bong hit was out of the question, so the next best thing was crying like a baby. My cry's turned to sobs and I let myself feel everything thing before I came off crazy Mum cloud and back to socially acceptable Mum. 

A concrete table could not hold the amount of bullshit on my plate.

Bonus, Bonus. Its a double bonus people! You're welcome. 

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