Chapter 18 - Barefoot & Desperate

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I wobbled up the street, as my feet screamed out in pain every time I stood on a stone or something sharp. Where had last night gone so wrong? 

Here I was, a very well respected police officer of Claireview, doing a walk of shame barefooted in the direction of the closest relatives house which was still 15 minutes away.


How did people walk barefoot everywhere?

I had been walking for 5 minutes and took a random walkway hoping it would be faster that way to get to Mum and Dad's house. It wasn't.

When you see the "Walk of Shame" it usually means someone got laid! But here I was walking barefooted and in my EX-BOYFRIENDS clothes, not being laid! How did I become a walking Hollywood script?

"Morning dear," An old lady pruning her hedge called out. "Sleepless night was it?"

"Yeah, something like that." I smiled painfully. She laughed and carried on pruning her hedge. Well this could not get any worse or embarrassing.

Boy was I wrong.

I looked up to see a car that looked like Jack's come zooming in my direction. I turned my head slightly to see that my Dad had pulled up next to me obviously confused by my get up and why I was on this side of town, barefooted.

Jack and Dad both got out of their cars at the same time.

"Cameron!" They both exclaimed.

I ran quickly to my Dad and stood behind him.

"Dad, thank god you're here. Can you take me home?" I said to his back.

"Dr. Henderson can I please talk to Cameron?" Jack said exasperated.

"Can someone please tell me what on earth is going on? Cameron, where are your shoes?" Dad asked trying to turn around. My gripped tightened on his back and he stood still.

"Jack, called me a whore!" I said still hiding.

"He what?" Dad said with a raised voice.

"I did NOT!" Jack exclaimed.

"Well, you insinuated it!" I said close to tears. Why was I being like this?

"Sir, I brought Cameron home after she tried to come home with my little brother after her and Caz's trip to the night club last night. I brought her to my house and put her in some comfortable clothes and put her to bed. She got upset about something I said and bolted out the door. I swear sir I wouldn't hurt her in anyway." Jack explained.

"Cameron." Dad urged not knowing what to say or do.

"Can you take me ho-me?" My voice cracked at the end and I ended up in tears.

"Sir, if I may?" Jack asked.

"No, you may not. As you can see my daughter is very upset. I'm taking her home." Dad said protectively. He moved and opened the door and waited for me to get in the car. I slipped in and turned my face away from the direction of Jack.

We pulled away from the curb and I sighed in frustration. Silence filled the car and we sat awkwardly.

Dad pulled off to the side of the road and looked at me intently.

"Cameron, I don't understand what is going on with you but you have to keep it together. You can't lose it like you did after your break-up with Bobby-Lee. Lily needs you to have your shit together. I understand your going through a break-up and you were in love and all that crap but you have responsibilities." Dad sighed and started to drive off again. The car was still silent but it was a thoughtful silence. Dad was right I need to get my life back in order.

Dad walked me up the stairs to my house and we both walked in quietly.

"MUM!" Lily yelled looking relieved standing up the hallway. Lisa and Bart stayed next to her obviously listening to a previous command. "What do you call these hours?"

Dad and I looked at each other and then back to Lily. She was acting how my Mum would when I was younger and tried to sneak in through the window.

"I was worried sick wondering what time you and Aunt Caz were going to get back. I called the hospital terrified that you might be hurt. Now this! Why is Papa bringing you home? I cannot believe you! I was so close to calling Jack and asking him if he knew were you two crazy bag of hormones were."

Dad and I looked at each other and I pulled Lily in for a hug. She was so precious to me.


It had been over a week and I was yet to hear from Jack. Don't get me wrong, I miss the sexy fucker, but I was as stubborn as a door knob and I was not going to apologise first.

It just wasn't in my DNA to apologise or even admit that I was wrong.

I keep thinking about whether he is thinking about me or if he is with someone else. Its been over a month that we haven't been together and its the worst month of my life.

I hate that I love him so strongly and with every fibre of my being, but I am too proud to admit to him he was right and that the punishment I was going to hand down to Lily was too harsh.

For fuck sakes, I reduced Lily's punishment to two weeks and STILL I can't find it within me to admit that I was wrong and he was right.

Why was I so STUBBORN?

TODAY was finally the day my father was retiring for good.

He was an Emergency Doctor for 32 years. He had a shit ton of money and he was well known in the medical community. Bummer that he's not my biological father, but he is my father none the less and I'm allowed to be proud of his achievements.

He was having his farewell dinner and most of the ED doctors were going. The ones on call were obviously not attending.

This mean't seeing Jack.

This also mean't me wearing a tight, short, red dress in the hopes that my body could get his attention.

Oh man! Am I desperate not to a apologise first or what?!

I stood in front of my mirror and did a final lipstick check before and grabbing my clutch and joining Lily, Caz and Dan in the sitting room.

"Ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh someone is definitely trying to get Jacks' attention tonight! You goin' get it girl! Ow, ow, ow!" Caz yelled as I came into their line of sight. Dan wolf whistled and Lily took snaps on her phone.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked nervously as I wiped my sweaty palms down the front of my dress. I wanted wear something that said I wasn't a whore but I'm looking for a certain someones attention. I couldn't really figure which one I was leaning too more.

"I have an even better idea. Why don't you lower you're pride for once and admit that you were wrong. There, problem solved." Dan said sarcastically.

"No, I like making life hard for myself." I said back before chugging down a glass of wine.

"Mum, can you at least wear a cardigan?" Lily asked looking straight at my cleavage. "I'm falling into your cleavage like a black hole."

We all erupted into laughter. After a couple more dig were taken at me, we left my house eagerly. 

"Ask Cam if you can borrow that dress." I overheard Dan say to Caz as we made our way to the a party.

"Why?" Caz asked with a slight giggle.

"You would look HOT. Plus, I would love to do you in Red!" Dan tried to whisper quietly but Lily and I already heard.

"OMG! TMI!" Lily screamed in embarrassment.

"What?" Dan exclaimed as Lily practically ran inside. "I didn't think you guys could hear."


Sorry about the late update!
Had the biggest writers block! Damn it Cameron! Hahahaha



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