Chapter Five - 21 Questions

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It was late and I had managed to push everyone out of my house in order to let Lily get use to her new home. Thankfully my family have manners and cleaned up after themselves. They were all so excited to show Lily her new room. It was pink and blue and there was a Justin Bieber poster hanging on the wall. To my thankful surprise she decided to take it down. So she wasn't a Belieber but she loved the room. She had walked over to me and whispered that pink wasn't in her colour wheel but she didn't want to hurt her uncle Ethan's feelings. I promised her that we could change it later. She fit into the family and completed it in a way I couldn't describe. Its like we were all missing something and she was that something that completed us. There was so much happiness and I would find myself squeezing her when she walked past me. The family was almost whole, we just needed Caz and Daniel.

Lily and I had farewelled Jack and were sitting on the couch watching Modern Family. We fell into a comfortable silence. I had Lily tucked into me and she had her arm wrapped around my torso. Is this what being a mother felt like?

"Cameron," She said it as though she had glass stuck in her throat. "I was wondering whether we could get to know each other...more."

"Yeah, of course. What do you want to know?" I asked as she sat up hurriedly.

"Well Mrs. Botha gave me a game that we can play. It's like 21 questions and we both have to answer what's on the flashcard." She replied. As long as they don't ask about past ex-boyfriends, all good. She got up and ran to her and came back holding cards.

"Okay, so does this work? You go first or me?" I asked as I sat up folding me feet beneath me. 

"Okay, its pretty simple, but I'll start." She leaned forward and grabbed a card that was sitting on the table. "Okay, its a pretty simple one. What is your favourite colour?"

I thought about this for a few moments. "Yellow." I replied honestly. "Ever since I was little I was obsessed with Yellow. I think it reminded me of the sun and how nice it was to be outside."

"Cool! Okay, my favourite colour is Blue. I like blue because its the colour of the sky and who doesn't like sitting on grass looking up to the sky?" She said as she laughed. She was so adorable. She picked up another card and gave it to me to read.

"I like sitting on the grass too." She laughed at my reply and waited for me to read what was on the card. "Okay, name of your pet as a child?" She looked at me and her eyes showed embarrassment? I wasn't sure.

"Well...I-I didn't have a pet." She stated with a smile but her smile was holding in so much pain. 

"I didn't have a pet also. Your Aunty Caz was 'Apparently' allergic. I think my Dad was just lying. He doesn't really like pets, heck he doesn't really like Lisa or Bart!" I exclaimed as I turned to look over at Lisa and Bart who were sitting on there beds.

"Popa doesn't like Lisa or Bart? He's crazy." She stated. "Okay next card. Name of your first boyfriend or girlfriend?" She looked up at me with a twinkle in her eye and I knew she had something to tell me.

"Okay, first boyfriend, Justin Broome. Super hot and he played rugby. I was 14 years-old, going onto 15, he was slightly older and he would always get sent out of class and I thought it was sooooo sexy. Then, your Uncle Ethan and Edward found out, they had left school by this time and were at University, and they came looking for me. I'll tell you the whole story. Nana and Popa have a batch out at Riversdale and it was school holidays. Your uncles both had University break as well, so we all went out to the beach. Justin's family owned a batch out there too and Justin said I should sneak out and meet him. Long story short, Ethan and Edward found us making out on one of the sand dunes. They gave Justin a hiding and told me off. I was so embarrassed. Then Ethan and Edward manhandled Justin back to his house and woke up his parents and my parents came over, ugh, it was so embarrassing. But, I got over it and a few weeks later Justin was expelled from school. I never saw him again." She listened very intently and started laughing when I pulled a sad face of never seeing Justin again. 

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