Chapter 22 - Parenting Woes

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I sat patiently waiting for the familiar sound of Lily's keys jingling as she would insert it into the lock. My mind conditioned to that specific jingle and seeing Lily was my reward.

My weekend romper with Emily and Caz came to a crash landing with our severe hangovers causing our wannabe free sprits to be brought down to reality.

Caz woke up to a hangover and 13 missed calls from her husband. If anything, Dan has now learnt that Carol Cooper does not take bullshit from anyone, let alone her husband. I think it is safe to say whenever Caz is ready is when she will have a baby. End of.

Emily woke up with a hangover and no missed calls. A reminder that her boyfriend, or partner, whatever you want to label her relationship, is overseas fighting for something she doesn't believe in. Once she sobers up, she will go home, feed the dogs and hop into an empty bed and most likely cry herself back to sleep as real life shows its ugly head again. Mine and Caz's problems don't weight up to whatever Emily is going through. At least Dan is going to be home when Caz arrives.

The familiar sound of keys jingling sent a signal to my conditioned legs as I stood hurriedly and walked to the door. Little did I know, it wasn't going to be like any other usual drop off.

The door swung open and revealed Lily...looking entirely pissed off.

"Lily, what's the matter?" I asked concerned. I walked to embrace her but she held up her hand to stop me.

"No, Mum. I cannot believe you would say such a thing!" Lily yelled over her shoulder. I turned around and was greeted by a very pissed off looking Jack.

Oh boy.

"I'm allowed to date, I'm old enough." Jack said back angrily. I stood holding open the door. He didn't even realise I was standing there as he welcomed himself in and walked in the direction of Lily.

"We've been together for over 4 months!" Lily yelled back. I followed quietly and stood by the wall as though I was a fly. Lily had walked to the fridge and grabbed a drink before taking up a strong stance at the other side of the counter.

"I don't give a shit if you've been together since he was born. You shouldn't be together in the first place. You are both under age!" Jack yelled back. I'm so tired, I just wanted to greet my daughter at the door, feed her and then go for a nap. That was all I asked.

"WE'RE NOT HAVING SEX!" Lily screamed back in frustration, throwing her hands in her hair gripping it tightly.

"Don't yell at me, Lily. Watch your tone." Jack said in a more controlled voice. He was actually starting to sound like a father.

"You just yelled at me!" Lily spat.

"How do you expect me to react when my little girl has hickey's on her neck?" Jack asked.

Well shit! I'm too tired to parent, I'll let Jack do all the questioning.

"I tried to cover them up!" Lily groaned in frustration.

"THEY SHOULDN'T BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!" Jack yelled. "Listen closely, you finish it with Zach, now."

"Excuse me?" Lily asked disbelieving.

"You heard." Jack said calmly.

"Yeah, but I can't tell if you're being serious." She paused dramatically and geared herself up for a big fight a head. "I find woman's underwear in the laundry and you have the audacity to say to me to finish it with Zach. Meanwhile, you have a parade of women coming through your house. Zach and I have been together longer than you and your little flings, heck, longer than you and my mother. So HOW DARE YOU TELL ME TO FINISH IT WITH ZACH!" Lily screamed.

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