Chapter 39 - Trust Fall

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It had been three weeks since the engagement and I knew I had some serious decisions to make.

After going to work and informing Brian I was pregnant, everything became real.

I was now restricted to desk work which annoyed me to the end of the earth; Liam got off on my disgruntled face I pulled whenever he would throw his paper work on my desk and everyone had placed bets on whether it was a girl or a boy, and, felt the need to point out different ways in which to discover the sex without going to the doctors.

By the end of the work week I had had more than enough of the constant barrage of "pregnancy advice" from both the males and the females of my precinct, and was glad to have a sleep in.

Lily had been over the moon about the engagement and had decided she would start research on how to plan a wedding. Last time I checked, she had given up because she couldn't wrap her head around the idea of why anyone would spend so much money for one day. Now she knows how I feel!

I should start by saying I'm not exactly poor. I have a good job and I have always had the financial support from my father when I was struggling, (Not that I would ask) but somehow he just knew! (Maybe it was the fact I was over at theirs for tea for two weeks straight, back when I was looking for a job?) Now that I'm engaged to Jack and he earns way more than me, he has volunteered to pay for the wedding himself. My father had other ideas of course.

My father had come around straight away when he heard the news of the engagement. You would think the first thing your father would say when coming over would be, "Congratulations!" But not my father. In he walked and said, "I'm paying for the wedding, no budget and no arguments. You can have whatever you want!"

I had sighed and went to my room to sleep. I was far too tired to discuss wedding plans and I wasn't ready to argue my point. My father and Jack on the other hand had argued for an hour about who was going to pay for what until I stormed out of my room and said the wedding was off if I didn't get a good nights rest.

All talk about the wedding had come to a halt from then.

It was a Saturday morning and I had gotten the sleep in I had so desperately craved. I looked over at the alarm clock to see a note stuck to it. It read, Time to start planning the wedding! Love, Jack and Lily. So planning the wedding I did.

After four hours of the house to myself and a pad of paper and a pen I had gotten as far as to pen my decision that I wanted to get married before the baby was due. (It would be nice if the child wasn't born a bastard!) And that was all I could get through.

All the google website's suggestions of where to start got me confused and then pissed off. I didn't have the energy to go through a check list and I had felt like I had more important things to get my washing.

After my house was clean I made a conscious effort to Actually get started on my wedding list.

To no avail I had gotten no where.

Then it hit me like a tonne of bricks, organizing shit was not my was my Mothers.

I had swallowed at the large lump caught in my throat and began to dial my mothers number into my home phone. My fingers trembled incessantly at the amount of courage I needed to call my mother and ask for her help.

I pushed the last number and waited for the ring.

It began to ring.

Like something from a horror film she answered on the second ring.

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