Chapter 42 - Runaway Bride

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The feeling of something wet touching my face brought me to my senses almost instantaneously. I pried my eyes open and was greeted with the face of Bart. His tongue had darted out and was just about to have another lick of my face when I pushed his snout away from me.

"Don't you dare!" I growled as I struggled to sit up with my growing baby bump. Bart backed away so I could swing my legs over the side of the bed.

Last night had all but hit me in the face again as an immediate headache started in my head and I sat with my eyes squeezed shut. I cursed Mum for starting a fight last night.

Why could I not just have had a normal hens night?

I opened my eyes and saw Bart eagerly waiting by the door, obviously wanting to go and relieve himself. I stood and opened the door while Bart had followed behind me eagerly. We made it outside and the cool morning breeze hit my face as I made my way down the porch following Bart eagerly to the beach.

The sun was slowly rising, warming the cool air ever so slowly. I walked gingerly along the sand while Bart ducked and weaved then disappeared behind a sand dune to relieve himself.

I sat down on the sand just as a cold breeze had hit my bare arms making me instantly regret leaving the house without a jacket. I placed my hands on my arms and continuously rubbed causing friction, warming my arms ever so slightly. The effort seemed futile.

This was a peaceful moment, one I had been desperately searching for in the lead up to this weekend. Everyone and everything was moving at such a fast pace that I never had a moment to sit down and reflect on the chaotic year that I had had. A year and half ago I was a broken hearted, sad, lonely and bitter woman trying to fit the pieces of my heart together. Nothing seemed to hold them in place. Industrial glue couldn't hold the shattered pieces together.

Then as fate would have it along came Lily and Jack, who were the final pieces to my broken heart. They had become the glue that I had been searching for.

For a long time I wondered how I got so lucky. Why had the fate of life suddenly swing in my favour?

Sometimes god has a funny sense of humor.

For a long time I had thought about Dylan and about what would have happened if he made his flight to Caz and Dan's wedding. Would Jack and I still have had the chance of getting together or would I have gotten stupidly drunk and hooked up with Dylan if he wasn't stuck in Tonga?

Its crazy how life turns out sometimes.

All at once I had come to the realization that I was going to be married tomorrow, but I wasn't scared and my flight senses didn't immediately go off. I wanted this as much as I wanted the ugly that came with marriage.

I wanted to be married to Jack because with every breath I took I loved him.

I loved him with every fiber of my being and the thought of a future without him seemed like one that wasn't worth living. I loved him and despite our trials and tribulations my future was with Jack, Lily, my unborn child and my dogs.

This was my future. This is my life.

I had decided to walk up to the top of the look out with Bart to catch the rest of the sunrise.

It had taken me a lot longer to get to the top than I was use to. This pregnancy was really taking a toll on me. Bart had run on without me and I assumed had made it to the top and came back to greet me. He obviously had no time for my slow pace cause he did this a couple more times becoming more and more impatient when he ran back to greet me and ended up barking at me incessantly.

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