Chapter 45 - Runaway Groom

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After watching Lily sleep for a while Jack and I looked at each other. There was so much tension between us that the temperature within the room had spiked. 

Jack stood up and made his way over to Lily before giving her a kiss on the forehead. I followed after him and pulled the blanket up to her chin. I tucked her in and adjusted the pillow slightly, she rolled over and began snoring loudly, I knew that was my cue to leave. When I turned around Jack had already left the room. I hurried after him and caught up to him as he was about to descend the stairs. 

"Jack wait, please. We need to talk about this." I said as I pulled on his shirt sleeve to get him to stop.

"Why? You have made it clear that you don't need me, so why should I stay?" Jack said vehemently while he pushed my hand off of him and proceeded to hurry down stairs. 

My big baby bump was definitely slowing me down. I was cautious about taking every step not wanting to miss one and go rolling down stairs.

"Jack, I'm sorry." I pleaded as I followed him into the kitchen. Everyone had gathered and stood still as Jack and I went storming in. Jack grabbed some keys from the hanger and brushed past me. 

"I don't want to hear it Cameron." Jack spat as he made a hurried exit to the front door. 

I waddled after him with keys for one of the quad bikes in hand. When I finally made it outside I watched as Jack sped off in Walters' car. I hurried to the quad bike and followed in the direction that Jack had gone to. He was headed for Ethan's place.

I pulled up outside and went inside to find Jack hurriedly trying to pack his suitcase.

"Jack, what are you doing?" My voice on the brink of cracking.

"I'm leaving." Jack ground out as he moved about the room gathering his things.

"No please, stop." I said as I pushed my way over to him to get him to stop loading his things into his bags. 

"WHY? Huh? You clearly don't need me or trust me. Why should I stay here and marry someone who keeps things from me? Something that I should have known about, something concerning my child safety?" Jack shouted as he pushed me out of his way. 

I began to cry the feeling of pain and regret hitting me like a tonne of bricks. 

"Jack I do trust you! I do! I thought I could handle Bobby-Lee on my own. PLEASE JACK DON'T LEAVE ME!" I hurried to his suitcase and pulled it towards me before pushing it to the ground where the contents fell out. 

"Dammit, Cameron!" Jack yelled. "I don't want to be with someone who keeps things from me! I thought we were going to raise Lily together. You and I, parenting together but I see now that you don't see me as Lily's father cause if you did you would have told me what was happening from the start." Jack spat as he picked up his suitcase and clothes and started to pack again. 

"We are raising her together, I promised Lily I wouldn't tell you so I didn't! You have to believe me Jack, I wanted to tell you." I begged grabbing onto his shirt pleading with him to understand. 

"If you really wanted to tell me you would have and convincing my brother to keep it from me is low even for you Cameron." He removed my hands from his shirt and continued to pack his bag. 

"Jack, you have to believe me. I wanted to tell you everything but I couldn't, I just couldn't." I cried as I watched him throw his things into his bag before zipping it. 

"You know what Cameron, it doesn't matter anymore." Jack had stood up straight and looked me straight in the eyes. "From day one you have tried to push me out of your life and I have fought tooth and nail to be apart of it. It took me a long time but I get it now. You never wanted me to adopt Lily, you just did it to make me feel happy and to make yourself feel good. But if you thought I would just give up my rights as Lily's father you are seriously mistaken. You can raise our daughters by yourself but don't think for a second that you can push me out of their lives. I will fight you in court to make sure I have my girls in my life." 

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