Chapter Four - Introductions

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I looked down to my watch, reading 10 am on the dot. I walked up the step and rang the bell, waiting patiently for someone to come to the door.

Today was the day Lily was coming home. I was awoken by the loud foot steps of my family at 6 am this morning. They all came over to start decorating Lily's room and made sure I woke up to help out also. It was a Tuesday, and usually everybody would be at work but everyone had taken a few extra days off from Caz and Daniels wedding. Maybe they thought their hangovers wouldn't be cured by the time Monday came around? 

Mum, Grandma Ivy and Nana invaded my kitchen and began working on breakfast and lunch. Ethan, Edward, Dad and Jack had started the painting, along with the loud banging of hammers. My poor walls. Emily had brought Callum along and Ethan and Edward immediately got stuck into him. But, Callum stuck it out and helped out where he could. I couldn't believe how helpful everyone was. Everyone was so supportive and it mean't the world to me.

The door swung open to reveal Mrs. Botha and a wide eyed and happy looking girl, Lily. 

"Cameron, you're here right on time!" Mrs. Botha exclaimed. 

"I couldn't wait to see Lily. Good morning Lily!" I said as I reached forward and pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back and a little bit of me fell in love with her just a little bit more. 

"You actually came. No one ever comes back after the first meeting." She said simply. She didn't seemed bothered about it, but it had affected me heavily. How could someone, anyone for that matter, not want to adopt Lily? Maybe they didn't like her age or they were afraid of her past, that she might be damaged. None of that should matter. She just needs someone to give her a really good chance at a good life. 

"Of course I came back, everyone is excited to meet you. I had them send Lisa and Bart to the Dog cleaners to have a good wash before you meet them." I said while she led me inside towards the kitchen. She seemed to find this information funny and laughed out loud. And then I heard it. She snorted. She threw her hand over her mouth and looked at me with wide eyes. I couldn't hold it in any longer and laughed like a crazy person. 

"My sister snorts when she laughs too hard to." I said as I had regained my composure. We entered the kitchen and I met Lily's foster Mum, Bernie. Bernie smiled and came to give me a hug. 

"You came! I didn't want Lily to get her hopes up as she has already had so many other adoptions fall through. Thank you for coming." Bernie said as she squeezed me tight.

"I'm in this for the long haul." I said as I squeezed her back hoping to reassure her that I was going to take good care of Lily. She pulled back with tears in her eyes and looked over to Lily. 

"I've been looking after Lily for two years, I can't believe you are actually leaving!" She moved over to Lily and pulled her close. Mrs. Botha and I stood quietly and watched as Lily and Bernie hugged while crying. 

Finally, it was time to take Lily home. Lily lived in a district 30 minutes away from mine. She didn't have much in the way of boxes and belongings, so the packing of the car didn't take long. She turned and hugged Bernie one more time before hopping into the passengers seat. 

"I promise I will take good care of her. I'll bring her around sometimes if its all right with you?" I asked a tear stained face Bernie. She simply nodded and pulled me in for a tight hug.

"Please take care of her, she sometimes wakes up because of her nightmares. She gets back to bed when you sing Yellow Bird by Harry Belafonte. She loves chocolate and she has a speech due in two weeks." She whispered quietly in my ear. She finally let me go and waved me off to the car. Bernie looked after two other foster kids and was a single mother to her little boy, who surprisingly stayed asleep the whole time we walked up and down the stairs. As Lily and I pulled away from the curb, I couldn't help the tears that formed in my eyes. In the review mirror I saw a foster mother who loved Lily very much, but knew she couldn't keep Lily as her own. She stood waving and wiping at her tears as she waved a final goodbye to Lily.

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