Chapter Three - Surprise

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Dinner @ mine, 6.30pm. I sent out the group text message to everyone, including Jack. I don't know how Jack and I are going to work, we only really stated dating yesterday. Is Jack going to move in with me? It is way too early to think about moving in, but I need to know what is going to happen between Jack and I. I had a large smile plastered on my face, I had just come back from meeting Lily, my daughter. It was so strange to say my daughter but it felt so good to know that she will be coming home tomorrow.

6.30 had come around faster than I thought. Jack being the great man he is came over at 5.30 to help out with the cooking, it turns out he was more of a distraction. 

"We're here!" I heard my mothers voice from the hallway. I scrambled off of Jack and pulled my dress down while hurrying to opening my bedroom door. 

"Mother, you're early." I said, trying to catch my breath. She narrowed her eyes at me as she stopped mid-stride, eyeing me carefully. 

"Its 6.30 on the dot, honey. You're father is helping Nana and Grandma Ivy out of the car. It seems like you've been busy, not cooking." She lifted an eyebrow and looked over my shoulder. Sure enough, Jack stepped up behind me and placed a warm hand on my waist. "Ah, Jack, such a lovely surprise! I see you've been helping my daughter study the design of her ceiling." She smiled brightly and I blushed in embarrassment. Why didn't my mother have a filter? WHY! Oh my god.

He chuckled softly and tightened his grip on my waist. "Um," He cleared his throat. "I-I-I was helping her pick out,"

"Mother! Would you please stop embarrassing the man!" I said as I gave her a stern look. She simply looked back at me and laughed.

"Honey, I think something might be burning." She stated simply, she turned and walked out the front door. "I'm going to help your father." It took me a few seconds to realise what she had said first, before I bolted up the hallway to the kitchen. FUCK, burnt the potatoes. 

"FUCK!" I screamed before grabbing the potatoes and throwing them in the sink. I stood gripping the sink and staring at the burnt potatoes in front of me. 

"Hey, you okay?" Jack asked as he rounded the corner. 

"No, I burnt the potatoes, and its all your fault." I said turning to face him. "You came in here, looking sexy and shit, and I had to have a piece of you."

"So really, its your fault. You couldn't resist this and you took me to your bedroom." He walked over to me and held me firmly by waist.

"Ugh, your right." I reached up and kissed him gently, he kissed me back passionately. We heard a throat being cleared and turned to see my dad and Grandma Ivy staring back at us. "Oh hey! How's it going?" I asked as I stepped away from Jack and stood in front of Dad and Ivy trying to look not so embarrassed, like I hadn't just been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. They didn't answer for a long time, they just stood staring at me like I had grown two heads.

"Well this seems awkward!" Ethan said as he stood next to Grandma Ivy. "Cameron, is that a hickey on your chest?" My eye's went into slits and I looked down to where Ethan was pointing. FUCK! There it was, a huge red love bite above my right breast. JACK!

"NO! allergic reaction to something. I'm going to look for my anti-histamine tablets in my room. Help yourself to some wine." I said hurriedly as I pushed passed Ethan.  

"Okay, you pretend like that's not a hickey and we'll pretend like we don't know you're going to cover it up with make up." Ethan shouted up the hallway, before I heard Dad, Grandma Ivy and him laughing like hyenas. I turned around sharply and poked the middle finger at him which only made him laugh more.  

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