Chapter Six - Good Morning

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"Lily? Lily honey, its time to get up. School starts at 8.35." I knocked on her door slightly and received a loud groan in response. Bart had raced out of her room to the sliding door that was cracked open for the morning routine. Lisa was still sleeping even with Lily tucked under her chin. I stood shaking my head.

I don't usually allow Bart and Lisa to sleep in the rooms, but last night was an exception.

I was woken by loud screaming as though someone was being stabbed to death. I instantly knew it was Lily. I ran hurriedly to her room. Before I made it to her room, both Lisa and Bart were barking and scratching at her door. I opened the door quickly and shook her awake.

"LILY! LILY, baby please open your eyes." I was so scared and tears had managed to slip out of my eyes. She slowly woke up and saw me leaning over with fear in my eyes. My poor baby girl.

"Are you okay?" She asked. She asked me if I was all right. I pulled her small body to me and held onto her for dear life.

"I'm okay. Are you okay?" I asked as my voiced cracked at the end.

"Sorry to wake you." She whispered as she wrapped her arms around my body.

"Shhh! Please don't apologise!" By now I had started sobbing. To my complete surprise she was fine, she was trying to comfort me. Everything she has been through and she was trying to comfort me! She was so brave. "Are they always that bad?"

"No, sometimes I can wake myself up." She said still hugging me. I finally calmed myself enough to let go of her. Bart stood guard by the door and Lisa had jumped on the bed placing her paw on Lily's leg. I realised that Lisa was trying to comfort her. Lisa always was the loving motherly type. We sat and talked for a while before I noticed her yawn.

After she refused my offer for me to sleep next to her for the tenth time, I decided it was back to sleep for everyone. "I think its time to go back to sleep." I said softly.



"Can Lisa and Bart stay with me tonight?" She asked softly. I looked at her then back to Lisa and Bart who had both taken refuge on her bed. I wasn't going to get those two off her bed even if I tried.

I nodded my head. "Of course." I replied. I gave her a slight kiss on the forehead before I turned the light off and closed the door.

"Lily, your going to be late for school." I said as I pulled the blankets back.

"But, I'm tired!" She grumbled as she sat up rubbing her eyes.

"Well, okay, you can go back to sleep."

"Really?" She asked looking hopeful.

"No. Up. Now." She sunk back into her pillow and sighed. I walked to the kitchen to get her lunch ready. What lunch do kids her age usually have? I looked towards the fridge and saw a note that read, 'Sorry to be weird and creepy, I came by at 6.30am to drop off Lily's lunch. I know you wouldn't know what to put into a 13 year-old's lunch box. Don't be angry. I want my Grand Baby to have a good lunch. Come over for morning tea. P.s I know you're suspended. Love Mum xx'.

My Mum is officially crazy! But, she knows me too well. I didn't have a clue what I should put in a kids lunch box. I need to change where I put my key. Fuck, now I have to go over to her house for morning tea. Curse you Edward, you bloody Mumma's boy.

"Lily, get up now!" I yelled when I realised it was going onto 8 o'clock. First day as a parent and Lily was going to be late. Parenting fail #1.

8.45am and Lily and I turned up to school.

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