Chapter 31 - Best Friends Reunite

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Three months had passed and we had officially been drama free for all that time. Jack had moved in and Lily and I were slowly but surely getting use to the presence of a man in the house. He wasn't messy or anything, we just weren't use to having a male voice in the house.

We felt like a family. We had family dinners and family movie nights. I really felt like this was my family.

Dad had voiced very loud and clear that he will never like Jack and I being together, but he understood that Jack made me happy. He gave Jack a strong talking to and everyone was back to normal.

Things were looking up and I loved that drama hadn't latched its evil talons onto my life.

Never speak too soon.

It was the weekend and Jack had taken Lily to her netball game. I would've loved to attend but Lily banned me from going, apparently she didn't appreciate my yelling. I was doing the laundry when the sound of the door bell could be heard. I walked and answered the door.

I pulled the door open and there stood Sasha, my best friend in the whole wide world!

"SASHA!" I screamed as I jumped into her arms.

"CAMERON!" She screamed back at me. We jumped around hugging and laughing with each other.

"What are you doing here?" I asked excitedly. Her face dropped and she looked serious. "What's wrong?"

"I have a lot to tell you and I don't know what our friendship will look like after I do." She explained sadly.

"Okay, what is it?" I asked becoming nervous. She shuffled her feet and then looked at the ground sadly.

"I have a son." She said pausing while looking at me for my reaction. "And Edward is the father."

Boom! Drama! Fuck!

"What?" I asked not sure if I heard correctly.

"I know, I'm a piece of shit, and I know I should've told Edward earlier, but I was scared. I just thought that if I moved away everything would be easier but it wasn't and I became scared. I didn't want Noah growing up without a father and the older Noah gets the more he's looking like his father, do you know how creepy that is? Oh, god I'm rambling. I came here 'cause I thought you would be able to get Edward to understand why I did what I did. You're right, I shouldn't have come here." She turned to leave and I pulled on her arm roughly.

"You still talk a hundred miles per hour! Come inside, we have a lot to get through." I said softly hoping she would come in.

"Okay, I have to get Noah." She said before turning and jogging down the stairs and to her car. She pulled open the door and she came out with a baby who looked like they were sleeping. She brought him inside and I showed her the guest bedroom where she laid the baby down. I couldn't help but stare. The baby had Edwards mouth, nose and hair, it was weird to look at. Sasha followed me to the kitchen where I boiled the jug.

"So," I said feeling awkward. She looked at me and then sighed.

"Cameron, please don't be awkward!" Sasha exclaimed.

"Well, what do you expect? You moved away suddenly and you didn't keep in contact and now you're back with my brother's unknown kid. Its not like I know what to say." I explained.

"Do you hate me?" Sasha asked all of a sudden looking scared of my response.

"No, of course not! You're my best friend! Honestly, I'm disappointed and scared. I don't know how Edwards going to react." I explained.

"Well, thats why two heads together is better than one." Sasha stated while perking back up.

For the rest of the afternoon Sasha and I talked through all the possible outcomes of how Edward would react. We decided it best if Ethan was here and Damon also. They would be able to calm Edward down enough that he wouldn't try to kill Sasha.

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