Chapter 47 - Why I Love You

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It was a last minute choice to change my wedding song, but it felt right. The lyrics spoke the words that I struggled to say Jack. 

I took one last look at my father before looking towards the church doors that were waiting to be opened. My heart was racing but I felt completely calm. 

I was going to marry Jack. 

The sun was warm on my back and I took a quick moment to look into the direction of the sun. I felt warm and at peace.

I was at peace with the decision I was making. Jack was the one I and everyday, he's the one. 

If I was 100 percent sure of anything, it is that Jack is the man I would marry. 

When I was little I had dreamed of one day getting married. I would wear a pillow case on my head as a veil and I would hold flowers I had picked from my Grandfathers garden. Caz was always the flower girl never the groom. You see my groom never had a face, when I pictured my groom my imagination could not, for whatever reason, stretch that far to imagine a man I would deem worthy of marrying. But, here and now, when I think of marrying someone it Jack's face that I see over and over again. 

Who would've thought that with a swollen ankle would come a life that I still cant believe is my own. A life I still feel as though I don't deserve. A life filled with so much love and happiness. A life that is now creating new life in. A life that is...mine.  

'I am so happy' was my last thought I had before I turned back around to see that the doors had opened and all eyes were staring in my direction. 

My eyes searched and quickly found Jack's. He had a gleam in his eyes that showed he was holding back tears. He smiled brightly before visibly taking in a shaky breath. He looked so happy and emotional that I felt the sharp sting of tears threatening to spill over. 

I took a shaky breath also, not wanting to ruin my makeup and become a blubbering mess. 

The arm wrapped around my fathers' arm tightened as I needed the comfort and his strength, feeling as though I was going to burst into tears from an overwhelming feeling of happiness. 

I watched as Walter handed Jack a tissue and watched as he wiped at the tears that had fallen down his beautiful face...and for the hundredth time that day I had wondered how I was so lucky to have landed an amazing guy like Jack. 

Before I had time to process it, I was already up the front on the church with Jack. The song had come to an end and the minister began to speak. 

Caz handed me a tissue and I looked up at her confused. 'Your tears' she whispered. 

I hadn't realized I had shed a few tears but I dabbed them away hurriedly. 

The minister asked us to face one another. My dad embraced Jack and went to take his seat. Jack and I made eye contact and he smiled before mouthing that I looked beautiful. 

The rest of the ceremony went on in a blur, a blur that I vowed to never forget, ever. 


"Please put your hands together for Mr and Mrs Thompson!" Uncle Tom said into the microphone. 

We danced into the room together and everyone clapped and cheered as we entered the room.

We laughed at each other both dancing a bit weirdly, but not having a care in the world.

The night had moved along so fast. Everyone was having such a good time that I didn't want it to end. My Dad and my biological father, Eric, were sitting together laughing and talking, which was actually kind of weird. My Mum was drunk and had taken a liking to one of the groomsmen. Lily sat at a table faraway from the dancefloor, holding Noah, watching on in disgust as her Nana was trying to twerk with said groomsman. Caz and I laughed at Lily as she wore a look of second hand embarrassment, one that Caz and I had worn many times before.

The atmosphere was amazing and I never wanted this feeling to end. It was getting late and I was starting to get tired.

I sat down at a table and Caz joined me. She pushed her glass of red wine towards and winked.

"No one will notice." She yelled over the loud music.

"I think the baby will." I said laughing while pushing her wine back to her. She shrugged her shoulders and sat back to look at the packed dance floor.

"Seriously, how was I attracted to Dan's dance moves? He honestly cannot dance for shit." She laughed while taking a sip of her wine.

"You weren't attracted to his dance moves you were attracted to his dick..."

Caz spat her wine she had in her mouth all over the table as we laughed so hard that it started to hurt.

After we had finally calmed down we sat back and smiled at each other. It was a smile and a moment that didn't need any words to understand the expression of love Caz and I had first each other. A sisterly love that was stronger than I could ever imagine. Caz was quiet honestly one of the best people I was lucky to know and on top of that she was my little sister and I loved her so much.

"Thank you, for everything." I said whilst her hand.

"Oh, you ruined it. Could you not get my  signal that I could tell you were tyank me with your eyes?" Caz said.

"Caz, I'm being serious!" She rolled her eyes but looked at me. "You saved my wedding. There was almost no wedding but you and Walter saved the day. So thank you. Thanks for being you. I love you. Come here. Let me kiss you."

"No! No!" Caz screamed as she tried to pull away.

"Let me kiss you like I did when you were younger. You'll always be my baby sister. Come here!" She tried to get out of tight grip but I was able to over power her.

"How are you still so strong even in your state?" Caz said while still trying to squirm her way out. Finally, she gave up and I planted a big wet kiss on her cheek. "Ewwwwww!"

"I love you, you little shit." I said while squeezing her to my bulging baby bump. "Now tell me you love me!"

"I love you." Caz managed.

"I  love you more."

"I was talking to the baby bump." Caz laughed while standing up and running away. I sat smiling after her.

"How's my wife?" Jack asked as he occupied the seat Caz had just sat.

"Ugh, talk dirty to me!" I said jokingly.

"My. Wife." Jack whispered into my ear. He pulled away laughing and our little scene had come to an end with both of us laughing at each other. "You look tired." Jack stated while pushing my hair behind my ears.

"I'm starting to feel tired. I don't  want this night to end." I said while tucking myself into the crook of his neck.

"Same here, wife." He placed a kiss on my head and I snuggled closer.



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