Chapter 30 - Morning News

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Lily had woken up in the early hours of the morning. She was complaining about a headache and had taken a few pain killers and then went straight to sleep.

She had finally woken up and she looked around only to lower her eyes at the sight of me and her father staring at her glaringly.

"Before you yell at me, I was going in to finish it once and for all." She explained while trying to sit up right painfully. "She's a piece of shit anyway. I don't want to talk about it."

Jack and I shared a look and stood quietly considering what we were going to say. She seemed all most dis heartened. She was no doubt embarrassed by the unfair loss and she most definitely did not want to talk about it.

"You should have told us." Jack said calmly after the long pause.

"What, and then you guys organize a meeting with her and her parents and embarrass me even more?" She spat as she threw her head to the side to look out the window.

"More embarrassing than being knocked unconscious? More embarrassing than having security remove your father from your emergency room when your heart stopped? More embarrassing than putting your family through that traumatic experience? A meeting with Carmen's parents would have been a whole lot better, believe me! You should have told us the truth." I said holding on desperately to the thin thread keeping me calm.

She looked back at us and then placed her head on her pillow.

"I want to be alone." She said as she pushed the button for her bed to go down. I sighed deeply and looked at Jack for what to do.

"All right, close your eyes and we'll sit in the corner quietly."

"No, I want you to leave. Get. Out." She grit out.

"Lily, you're being ridiculous!" I exclaimed. She sat up instantly her eyes blazing in anger.

"I know you two are sleeping together!" She yelled. My eyes went wide and I looked back at her in shock. "Do you think I'm stupid? I also know you're working the beat again. I saw you drive past patrolling my school in the police car with Liam. So how dare you tell me to tell the truth when you are one of the biggest liars I know, Mum."

I stood spluttering like a fish, embarrassed I was being called out by my daughter. I looked at Jack who looked at me with a slight smirk.

"I-I-I...I'm your Mum I'm allowed too." I tried to justify.

"Ugh, you're both pathetic and gross!" Lily exclaimed while she threw her legs over the side of the bed and stood up; she swayed slightly. Jack and I both hurried around the other side of the bed and grabbed her arm to steady her. 

"Lily," Jack said with a slight warning. We shared a glance both thinking the same thing, our daughter was becoming a grumpy and sassy teenager. Boy, we weren't ready.

"What? Help me go to the toilet." She said while rolling her eyes. We helped her to the toilet and she shooed us away once she was standing ready to pull her undies down. We stepped outside and sighed dramatically. This parenting thing is tough, yo! 

"Hey, it's okay. We'll figure it out." Jack said leaning over to kiss me. 

After doing her business, she made her way to the bed and she looked even more sour than she did before she walked into the bathroom.

"Lily, what is wrong?" Jack asked in a soft voice, seeing her become more and more upset. Tears rimmed her eyes and she blinked slowly in order for them not to spill. 

After a long pause she opened her eyes and sighed. "I know I should have told one of you but...I don't know...I was so fucking confused. THEN, I found out you two were sleeping together...I just..." She took a deep breath and lifted her head so her eyes met ours. "Bobby-Lee came to my school."

"HE DID WHAT?!" I exclaimed my eyes widening in shock. 

"He found me at lunch time and at first I thought, 'why is this strange man talking to me', then he said his name and everything clicked and I became uncomfortable because he was insisting that he was my father and...I, I panicked and went to class." She sighed and looked as though a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders. I walked and embraced her making sure she felt that this wasn't some dirty secret she had to keep and that Bobby-Lee would never go near her again. Jack came and embraced us both and we stayed like this seeking comfort from each other. 

"Don't worry about anything, your mother and I will sort it out. Please Lily, if anything like this happens again, let me know instantly. I don't want you to keep this to yourself, okay?" Jack said as he held her face in his hands. She nodded as he kissed her fallen tears. 

"So, does this mean you two are together?" Lily asked awkwardly when silence enveloped us. Jack and I looked at each other hoping the other would explain to Lily. Pussy.

"Yes, we are, and we promise that if we don't work out we have to get along for your sake." I explained. She smiled slightly and relaxed a little.

"When did you find out?" Jack asked curious. 

"I had a night mare and I woke up to go and sleep next to Mum and instead I found you. I put two and two together. It was gross." She said as she pulled a disgusted face. 


"Hey Liam, I'm going to need a favour, one that the big boss can't find out about." I said through my phone as I peered over my shoulder to see if anyone of my family members had exited Lily's hospital room. It was clear. 

"O...kay. If you killed someone don't tell me!" Liam said hurriedly in his typical dramatic fashion.

"I need you to find the whereabouts of Bobby-Lee's location. It's important that you keep this between us. Can you do that?" I asked quietly.

"Yes. Cameron, why do you want to find Bobby-Lee?" Liam asked in a frightened tone.

"To finish what we started." I hung up the phone and looked up the hallway. 

Never underestimate the lengths a mother will go to in order to protect her children. If you do, that will be the end of you, trust me.


Bobby-Lee just couldn't let it go, could he! Here comes the boom! 

Love Maria


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