Chapter 43 - The Aisle

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My arm was linked with my father's as I took a deep breath before looking up the aisle to see Jack standing in shorts, a t-shirt and jandals. He smiled a big smile and stood straighter as I took a step forward with my father. 

I remember this aisle being bigger last time. 

'I choose you' played and although it wasn't my wedding day, it was a the rehearsal for the big day, I was nervous.  

Jack's large smile was accompanied by the sunlight that had shone through the stained window, I couldn't help but smile back in awe. Jack had turned his head and sneaked a quick look at Lily. She looked back at him with tears brimming her eyes and they shared a look between themselves and it felt personal and intrusive to stare. The look had a deeper meaning one I wanted to understand but knew it was for there own understanding. 

They both turned back to me and a big rush of love hit me in my chest; the kind of love that makes everything feel right. I loved my little family and I loved my life. 

Before I knew it we had made it to the front of the church. The minister gave a few more directions and explained how the ceremony would go and as fast as it had started, Jack and I began to make our way down the isle. 

"That's faster than I thought it would take." I said to Jack as we waked down the steps of the church. He held onto my hand tightly and walked a couple steps ahead to help guide me down. 

I was almost seven months pregnant and my enlarged belly didn't allow much room to see the steps in front of me. 

"Obviously tomorrow will take a little bit longer. How are you feeling?" Jack asked as he leaned in to lay a kiss on my forehead. I gave him a bright smile, loving the way his gentle kiss sent butterflies up into my tummy.

"I'm happy." I said once we made eye contact. Jack looked taken aback but it was quickly replaced with love and admiration.

"I'm glad. How about the baby?" Jack asked as he kissed the top of my nose. 

"Will not sit still even for a moment! Honestly, I keep getting random nudges, its driving me insane!" I said exasperated at the human being currently taking up vacancy in my belly. Jack smirked and tried to hide his face which held nothing but amusement. 

"Jack, its not funny." I said while breaking into my own ridiculous smile. "I keep poking at my stomach just to make the little shit stay still."

"Hey! Don't talk about the baby like that it can hear you." Jack said while rubbing my belly lovingly.

"Yeah, well why don't you have someone kicking the shit out of you at night and use your bladder as a cushion then come talk to me. Anyhow, whats going on with the rehearsal dinner?" I asked while turning to look at everyone else exiting the church. 

"The will have to go and get dress. You can't go in shorts and a t-shirt, I won't allow it." Caz said as she came up behind me and started to pull me in the direction of the parked quad bikes. 

The groomsmen looked down at what they were wearing and looked back to Caz with disgruntled looks on their faces. "And why the HELL not?" Walter exclaimed.

The minister had stepped from behind the groomsmen and looked at Walter pointedly. Walter's face redden. "S-sorry father. Forgive me father." Walter said while making a bowing motion with his head.

We all tried to stifle our laughs as the minister got on to his bike and rode away not before giving Walter one more disapproving look.  

"Because I said so." Caz said with finality as she turned and guided me towards the last quad bike left. My bridesmaids and Lily had already left on the other ones, not wanting to stick around and listen to the boys complain. 

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