Chapter 35 - Downfall

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The sound of the stereo comforted us slightly as we drove in the direction of Ethan's home. It was a 25 minute trip which gave us time to process everything that had just happened.

Tears dripped constantly down my face and I wiped furiously at them. Where had we taken a turn for the worst? What had gotten into Jack? What would of happened if Ethan hadn't shown up? Would Jack had let go of my arm when I asked him to the first time? So many questions and so many emotions.

I looked down at my arm and saw it was a bright pink colour which had now swollen somewhat. It was definitely going to bruise tomorrow, ugh.

The sound of Lily snoring had brought me back to the present. My poor baby, she left one dysfunctional family and came to another one. I turned around and looked at her beautiful sleeping face with dried tear stains running a line down her cheeks. She didn't deserve this. She didn't deserve two shitty parents; she deserved so much more than I could provide. Why was I such a tragic mess?

The tears came hard and fast as the reality of what just happened dawned on me. Of what Lily had to witness; her mother being man handled into the car by her father because they had gotten into a fight about how many men her pregnant mother had slept with.

I wish I wasn't such a bed hopper when I was younger! Ugh, I can't live one day without my past coming back to haunt me.

Actually, you know what? Fuck that shit! A woman should be able to sleep with whoever and however many men she wants. Fuck the patriarchy and everything it stands for! Fuck the double standards between the sexes! If a man had been with 15 women he's a legend, but when a women does it she's a whore! Am I the only one who thinks that's fucked up? I am a consenting adult and it shouldn't bother Jack or make him think less of me by the number of my previous lovers.

Where the fuck do we go from here?

I wiped furiously at my tears, but they kept falling and I wasn't sure if I could hold in my sobs for much longer. A hiccup escaped me and from there, everything went down hill. I started to ugly cry and I all but failed to keep quiet while Lily was sleeping.

The car slid to a stop, and put into park before Ethan leaned over and gathered me in his arms. I didn't fight it, I bloody well needed it; I was a right mess. Ethan held onto me tightly rubbing my back trying to comfort me, while whispering soothing words of encouragement. My world was falling apart. I was pregnant and so stressed out I think I might be having the baby early.

After a while, I calmed down enough so that Ethan could let me go and drive us the rest of the way to his home. Ethan guided the car in the direction of his home and I looked over to see Lily still fast asleep. Glad my crying didn't wake her up. I turned to stare out the window and saw it was starting to really teem down. The water ran off the glass and disappeared beneath the car's bonnet; After a while this became very hypnotising. For the rest of the ride to Ethan's house I watched drop after drop roll down the windscreen and disappear beneath the bonnet, lost in my own thoughts and sadness.

Soon enough the car came to a stop and I looked up to see Ethan's house and the waves crashing in the background. We got out quietly and made a special effort not to slam the doors as Lily was still sleeping. Ethan pointed for me to open the front door and I quickly made my way over where all of a sudden the front door pulled open.

"Cameron?" Tilly's soft voice questioned slightly. She looked at me closely and could see I had been crying.

"Tilly, what are you doing here?" My voice sounded rough and I hated the slight cringe she made at the sound. I must look like a right mess.

"I've been staying with Ethan for a little while now." She explained almost embarrassed. I totally forgot she was dating my brother.

"Right! Sorry, I forgot you and Ethan are an item. Why didn't you come over today for dinner?" I wondered.

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