Epilogue - Forever

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3 years later

Looking up the isle I smiled in the direction of Lily holding her little sisters hand. Lucy had a tight grip on her big sisters hand and looked around confused at all the people staring at her and Lily.

Ethan and Tilly had chosen Lily and Lucy to be the flower girls at their wedding.

Lily had some objections to the offer saying that a 18 year old was not a good fit for a flower girl. Ethan and Tilly pressed the matter further and in the end Lily begrudgingly agreed.

Lucy had gotten stage fright and had ended up stopping in the middle of the isle whilst looking up to her big sister for comfort. Lily whispered some words of encouragement while Lucy shook her head rejecting Lily's support. The scene, as a mother, was so good to see.

Lily had stepped up to the big sister role like an absolute superstar. Lucy and Lily were like two peas in a pod, always together and always up to mischief.

A couple of weeks ago, Lucy had gotten into the fridge and had tipped milk as well as some wine and tomato sauce all over the floor. Lucy got a stern talking to and began to cry just as Lily had gotten in from school.

"Lucy, whats wrong baby?" Lily had asked while walking over to Lucy who had been sat on a stool getting told off from her father.

"Lily, don't do that. Don't pick her up." Jack said sternly to Lily. "She needs to know what she did was not okay. Put her down."

Lily and Jack stared at each other neither one of them willing to back down.

"Lily." I said more as warning than anything. Lily's eyes flicked to me and then back to her father as she took a seat on the stool with Lucy cradled in her arms.

This was a common occurrence, Lucy getting in trouble and Lily always protecting her from getting a telling off. Lily was always defending Lucy and Jack and I couldn't help but love Lily a little more everytime she did. Lily and Lucy had become so close that Lucy slept in the same bed as Lily every night. It honestly felt like a dream, the relationship they had with each other.

Later on that night I had woken up to Jack shaking me violently. "Get up! Lily and Lucy aren't in bed!"

"What?!" I asked still unsure I heard right. Jack had hurriedly left our room and opened the front door before coming back in.

"Lily's cars gone!" Jack all but screamed.

"Jack, calm down! Did you try calling her?" I said trying to calm my husband who looked like he was about to have a heart attack from the stress of his daughter's not being in bed. I reached for my phone and search for Lily's number. "Its ringing."

Jack had been pacing up and down our bedroom waiting for Lily to answer.

"Hello." Lily said timidly knowing she was in a world of trouble.

"Get. Home. Now." I said menacingly before hanging up the phone. Jack looked at me before exiting our bedroom to stand outside the front door and I joined him.

Relief flooded me as Lily's car pulled up the driveway. Lily got out of the car and went around the side to get Lucy out of her carseat. Lily walked up the stairs with Lucy in her arms neither one of them making eye contact with their father or I.

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! Its 11:30pm and the best explanation you have is that Lucy wanted ice cream? Oh you are grounded little miss. That means school, home, dinner, bed! And you can forget about driving your car, one of us will drop you off and pick you up." Jack had said firmly. Lily and Lucy were sat on the ground looking up at their father with sad eyes. Jack had absolutely lost his shit. I was mad too but seeing the tears well up in Lucy's eyes knowing that her sister was getting in trouble had softened my anger a little bit.

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