Chapter Seven - Danger Zone

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The school week was over and I had survived! I met with Lily's principal and teacher and they said that she was an absolute delight. Lily and I had become so close over the few days that we were together and we were inseparable. Jack had come around every night to get to know Lily and I better. He was yet to stay over, but I knew it would be baby steps. He was so cute and respectful. Today Ethan was bringing his girlfriend, Kelly, around to meet Lily. I don't have anything against Kelly but it was her little sister Brianne that I didn't like. She was always rude to Ethan and Kelly would never say anything. Ethan was typical and didn't say anything because he didn't want to upset Kelly. Thank god, Brianne moved to america 'to further her acting carrier'. The only thing that that toe rag will be getting further in is the amount of people that hate her. Hate that bitch.

It had started to get dark. Lily and I had just got back from her basketball game. The lights were off and the house was dark. We both managed to miss the silver truck that was parked out the front of the house.

"You okay to carry the fish 'n' chips inside?" I asked Lily as she stepped out of the car.

"Yeah, I'm all right. When's Uncle Ethan and Kelly coming around?" She asked as she started ascending the steps.

"They should be here soon. But, knowing Ethan he'll be late." I replied as I ascended the steps. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at the door that was ajar. I know I closed the door. I pulled Lily back behind me so fast she grabbed onto my shoulder with her free hand.

"What's wrong?" She asked in a panic.

"I think someone broke in. I remember I closed the door shut when I left." I whispered hurriedly. "Stay here. If I don't come and get you in the next 2 minutes run to Damon's house and call 111." I've only had my daughter for a week and someone wants to fuck with me? I'll show them that no one messes with my family. I pushed at the door slightly and waited as it opened all the way. I peeked in and saw no movement. Where in the hell is Lisa and Bart? Fuck sakes. What if they killed Lisa and Bart? I'm going to fuck them up. I turned and gave Lily a pointed look. I stepped inside and dug into the umbrella holder and pulled out the softball bat I had hidden. I walked stealthy and quietly up the hallway and listened for the slightest sound or movement. Nothing. I walked and was almost at the kitchen when I heard the sound of someone sobbing. What in the world? I flicked on the wall light and saw Ethan sitting with his face buried in his hands.

"ETHAN! WHAT THE FUCK?" I screamed as I dropped the bat. He looked up at me with the saddest eyes in shock.

"Sorry, I should have called." He said in a hoarse voice. I clutched at my chest from the fright and the fact that Ethan looked like shit.

"Uncle Ethan? Are you all right?" Lily's soft voice said from behind me.

"Lily! I said wait outside." She ignored me and walked over to Ethan; wrapping her arms around him, he hugged her back. It would have been a really touching moment if Ethan wasn't sobbing like a little girl. It was so strange to see Ethan crying. He was like Dad, in that he never cried and the only time I saw him shed a tear was when Granddad died.

"Ethan, what's happened?" He cried harder and I found myself with tears fogging my vision. He held on tighter to Lily. I went to the phone and called Edward to ask him if he knew why Ethan was crying.

10 minutes later Edward arrived to the site of Ethan crying and holding onto a very comfortable looking Lily. She was such an amazing kid. She held onto him for dear life obviously not concerned that he was wetting her shirt. She is beyond mature for her age.

"What's happened?" Edward asked as he pulled me back around the corner so Ethan couldn't hear or see us.

"I don't know. I got home about 10 mins ago to the site of him sobbing." I replied in a quiet whisper.

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