Chapter 28: A Woman Scorned

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Hey everyone. Sorry this took me almost a month to upload in this. This chapter required me to be in a certain mood, that I'm still honestly not in to write. Right now, I'm more frustrated than anything. Long story short- my grandmother has been here for over a week and she's beginning to drive me crazy...

Anyhow, I hope you all enjoy this anyways. There's a lot of foreshadowing in this chapter. Let's see if anyone can spot it. =P And also! This is one of the last chapters in this book. There will be a sequel. Just so you know. Hope you enjoy!


"I'm sure you waited for a long, long time to find a man like mine, but honey you're too late. So before you go and make your move, maybe me and you should get a few things straight. There's two ways we can do this; I'll let you decide- you can take it somewhere else or we can take it outside." –Homewrecker, Gretchen Wilson

Audrey sat in the Slytherin common room, flipping through her Astronomy text book. They were covering the constellations again for the final, so Audrey figured now would be a good time to refresh her memory of them. After all, Draco would be gone for a while; he and Ron went to the owlery to send some letters to their family and Artemis.

Admittedly, Audrey couldn't wait; final exams started tomorrow, and once they were completed, they would be finally graduating. Life could get back to normal, or rather as normal as her life could be now. The girl wasn't even sure where she and Draco would be staying after school ended. Part of her was hoping Draco had a place tucked away somewhere for just the two of them, yet part of her wanted to go back to the manor and live with the family. She wouldn't lie; she had grown attached to Draco's family, especially Artemis, who had become one of her closest friends. The lone letter she had written was to him, and she was hoping he wasn't going to flip when he found out about the baby.

Artemis. As soon as the name crossed her mind, it suddenly popped out at her in the text. That bewildered her a bit, as there were no constellations named for Artemis. The girl decided to backtrack and figure out what the book was talking about.

"In Greek mythology, one story states that Orion boasted to Artemis and her mother, Leto, that he was such a great hunter he would kill every animal on Earth. Although Artemis was a hunter herself, she also protected the animals of the planet. This angered Artemis, and she sent a Scorpion to battle Orion. When the Scorpion won, Zeus deemed that it was worthy enough to be raised into the heavens, and Orion as well- but only as a reminder to mortals as to what could happen when they were too prideful. In other versions..."

Audrey glanced back up the title of that section to see the word Scorpius written clearly above the picture of the constellation in question. The girl smiled at the name for some reason, and then kept on studying. Although she wasn't able to do so for very long.

A few minutes later, Audrey heard the common room's door open and shut. The girl lowered her book, looking up to see who could've been coming into the room. Once she saw who it was, Audrey felt her blood beginning to boil. She had yet to confront Pansy about what happened about a week ago, and now was her chance.

The black haired girl took a few steps into the room, not even noticing Audrey sitting there. Audrey watched Pansy with careful eyes, debating when would be the appropriate time to confront her. When Pansy had her back turned as she hung up her light jacket, Audrey made her move. In one swift motion, the girl tossed her book on the table, jumped up, and within seconds had Pansy twirled around, back pressed tightly against the wall.

The back of Pansy's head hit the concrete wall behind her, causing the girl to curse in pain. "What the hell is this about?" she hissed, glaring menacingly at Audrey who was still holding her tightly against the wall with just her left arm while her right held a wand a few inches from Pansy's face.

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