Chapter 26: Nothing at All

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Hello lovely readers! I hope you all had a fabulous Valentine's Day. =) Mine started off kind of bad, but it has improved quite significantly. I was up all night with a killer sinus headache (I seriously got an hour of sleep RIGHT before my alarm went off). So I don't know how I managed to be awake this long. I wrote this chapter entirely today, so if it's bad, I'm sorry- and I'll attempt to never write while being sleep deprived ever again. Sorry it's so short. Figured I would mix it up a little bit and what not.

Anyhow, this is my Valentine's Day present to all of you, even though it's practically over now. >.< Hope you all enjoy!


"You don't have to say what you did. I already know; I found out from him. Now there's just no chance for you and me. You're not with me; don't it make you sad about it?" –Cry Me a River, Justin Timberlake

Draco walked slowly down the hallway as dozens of other students rushed past him. Normally he would've been walking much faster than he was now, but he was being drug down by his own thoughts. He was in a state of turmoil, although he wasn't showing it quite on the outside.

He was going to be a father. Although he and Audrey had found out a few days ago, the idea still hadn't quite settled. Draco wasn't sure how to feel about it. Part of him was ecstatic, while part of him was worried sick. He wasn't sure how he was going to be as a father. He was worried he was going to end up like his own- more of an authoritarian figure than a friend. Draco was hoping to be something more than someone to fear to his son or daughter. He wanted to be someone to confide in, someone to have fun with, someone to defend them. Somehow he was hoping that would be the case.

The blond came to a stop at the end of a hallway. He leaned back against the wall, pushing his hair back out of his eyes in the process. Waiting for Audrey to meet him here had become a daily routine. Their classes at that time were at different ends of the school, so they figured to meet there before heading to dinner. Draco had arrived a few minutes early, so he closed his eyes, hoping that if he did that time would pass by faster. Admittedly, all the boy wanted to do right now was sleep and forget about everything.

After only having his eyes closed for a few seconds, Draco felt someone entwine their fingers with his. He didn't panic, at least not at first. Thinking it was Audrey, he opened his eyes, a smile now plastered to his face. Unfortunately, that smile didn't stick for long. Holding onto his hand, was not Audrey, but Pansy.

Disgusted, Draco yanked his hand from her grasp. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Just claiming what is rightfully mine," Pansy answered, moving ever closer to him.

Draco took an involuntary step backwards, backing himself into the wall. Draco wanted absolutely nothing to do with her, and she was going to learn that real quick. "Get out of here Pansy. I don't want anything to do with you," Draco hissed. "I know it was you behind all those notes and attacks. Real cowardly of you."

"I don't know what you're talking about Draco," Pansy attempted to play dumb. "I did no such thing. Why would I have to?"

Draco resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "Maverick told us. Perhaps if you had been a little nicer to your pet he wouldn't have spoiled all of it." Draco paused for a moment, debating his next words carefully in his head. "And even if you hadn't been a part of those stunts, I wouldn't have you. You disgust me, Pansy. No self-respecting woman would do what you did to Audrey." At first, he hadn't quite realized how much contempt he had in his voice, how much it sounded like he was resisting the urge to kill her.

"But Draco, you don't understand," Pansy began pleading with him.

"Oh no; I understand completely. You're jealous of her," Draco spat. "You're mad because I chose her, because she has me and you don't." He shook his head, at this point both furious and completely disgusted. "So do me a favor, and cry me a river, build yourself a bridge, and get the hell over it. There's nothing you can do to make me change my mind."

"Nothing at all?" Pansy asked, calmly. The fact she wasn't in his face screaming yet was enough to freak Draco out. Normally Pansy was unable to keep her cool about anything, let alone her jealousy.

"Nothing Pansy," Draco hissed. "Now leave me be."

"Not even this?" the girl persisted.

Draco pondered what she meant for a moment before he felt the girl plant her lips against his, forcing him into the single most awkward kiss he had ever experienced in his short life. He felt so violated- a feeling Draco had admittedly never felt until just then. Here he was, a married man, being kissed by his ex-girlfriend. There were so many things wrong with this he couldn't even begin to count them.

The boy finally recovered from shock and pushed the girl off of him. Pansy stumbled backwards about five feet, barely staying on her feet. Although he had had freed himself from her grasp, Draco had an even worse feeling in the pit of his stomach. The boy glanced past Pansy, only to see Audrey standing there, a devastated look written all too clearly on her face. Without a word, she turned on her heels, practically running away from the scene that had just unfolded in front of her.

A whirlwind of emotions hit Draco. He was both infuriated and heart-broken at the same time. Pansy had just ruined the best thing to ever happen to him. Even though he knew what happened wasn't his fault, he felt guilty; he knew Audrey had seen what happened, and instantly jumped to conclusions. Draco glared at Pansy before pushing past her as he chased after Audrey. He had to resolve this before it became any worse...

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