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Jeff rolled his neck in small circles as warm water gushed over his bare skin. His body ached, most likely from spending the last three days in bed with Alan, not sleeping. He moved both of his arms behind his back, joining his hands together and slowly stretching the limbs to relieve some of the tension. He hummed as the sweet relief coursed through his muscles, his head falling back slightly. Who would have thought that the old Alpha would have so much energy? His body jerked slightly as he felt Alan's rough palm glide up his arm.

"Did I scare you Kid?" the older man whispered in his ear.

"Hmm, I didn't hear you walk in"

Alan placed a gentle kiss on the top of Jeff's soaking wet hair, his hands now resting on the Omega's shoulders.

"Are you sore?"

"Just a little" Jeff replied, swiping the water off of his face with his left hand.

The hot spray tingled as it bounced against his skin, and now that the Alpha was with him he was able to take a deep breath, filling his lungs with his mate's sweet scent.

"Mmmm" He moaned softly when he felt Alan's warm lips on his skin, " don't start, we need to get to work"

Alan's hand was on his waist now, moving slowly along his hip bone, the other one still delicately caressing his neck, "I'm the boss, remember?"

"That's exactly why you need to go in today, Lung. You've had two days off already".

Jeff reached over to the shelf and retrieved a white bottle, "Here, be useful and wash my back"

The Alpha sighed, taking the bodywash from his mate and dispensing it onto his hand. "You know Kid" he started, a little hesitation in his voice, "we're mated now, right?"

Jeff laughed, raising his hand and pointing at his neck, "Err, yes Lung, this stinging mark on my neck is kind of a constant reminder"

Alan's hands stopped moving, "It hurts?" he asked as he angled his head to take a look at Jeff's bite.

"No, but I can feel it's there"

The Alpha pressed his lips against the indents, moving around the circular mark until each nick had been kissed. "Better?"

Jeff smiled widely, "Much better, Lung"

Alan resumed his position, lathering the soap across Jeff's back and shoulders, "I....erm....the thing is....errr..."

The Omega sighed, "Spit it out Lung"

"Right" he chuckled nervously, "Well, see now that we...err..mated...erm..."

"Wait.." Jeff turned to face the Alpha, "You aren't having... second thoughts, are you?"

"NO! Oh god no, Jeff. I love you...I'm an idiot..that's want you....forever" Alan's voice was saturated with sincerity, so Jeff smiled, turning back to face the tiled wall.

"Good. So whatever it is just tell me" He said, curious about what Alan was going to say. Maybe he was going to ask Jeff to cover his mark so that no one at the garage would know about their mating. He felt disappointed at the thought. Not that he wanted to have all the attention that his bite would bring, but he would ride that wave if it meant that everyone would know how much Alan meant to him, and how much he meant to Alan.

"Okay, so, well, mated couples, they....."

Alan was dithering again. Why won't he just say it? Jeff wanted to turn around and prompt him, but he decided to wait, to have some patience and let his man speak at his own pace.

Jeff felt the Alpha's hands still, then he quietly spoke "They don't usually live apart"

Was that it? Was Alan asking Jeff, (in an extremely nervous and indirect way), to move in with him?

Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now