Oh Brother

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Sorry for the delay, busy week family wise and then distracted by the new SaiPon show event this week :) 


Jeff sat on a stool at his kitchen counter, staring mindlessly at the bowl of noodles in front of him. He hadn't expected his first day with the X-Hunter racing team to go the way that it had. After years of avoiding people, evading those unwanted visions, he thought he'd become somewhat of an expert at it, that it had got easier, something he didn't really have to think that much about.

He had been totally wrong. He'd met this man, this Alpha, less than a week ago and already the vision count was at three. How had he been so careless, so stupid as to allow three moments of physical contact?

When he had arrived at the garage that morning he was feeling fairly confident, nervous, but confident enough that he would be able to avoid any accidents from happening. Yet, within only a few minutes of entering the building he'd ended up lost in the vivid throws of a premonition. The picture of the Alpha's hands running over Jeff's face made him shudder, the memory so detailed he could almost feel Alan's rough fingers teasing his skin.

He swirled a pair of dark chopsticks around the bowl, agitating the now cold noodles, feeding some into his mouth, sucking up the long strand that had tried to escape. Okay, so the first incident of the day was an accident, unavoidable, he thought. They had both just happened to be turning that same corner at that exact same moment, there really was nothing he could have done to avoid it.

But the next time, that was all Jeff's fault, he'd been distracted. They were standing in that locker room, the sunlight pouring in, making Alan's flawless skin glow. He really was extremely handsome. The way his dark hair fell across his forehead, grazing his eye, it was begging to be brushed aside. His work overalls were tied around his waist again, (this must be a regular thing Jeff had concluded), his muscular arms on full display, leaving Jeff wondering what it would feel like to touch them. That was when it all went wrong. He'd been so lost in these unexplainable thoughts that he hadn't noticed what Alan had been doing and suddenly he was there, standing a step away from him, holding something out in his hands.

"Here, these should fit you" he'd said.

That's when Jeff had got complacent, reaching out to take the clothing, thinking all about Alan's hands but not about his own. His finger's had barely skimmed the Alpha's, but even that light touch was enough to send a shiver up Jeff's arm. He didn't think it would trigger a vision, it was so fleeting, the contact so brief, but it didn't seem to matter. That momentary connection transported him to a random point in the future, an unknown time.

Jeff picked a packet up off of the shelf, turning it over to look at it more closely. There was an ambient background noise, feet tapping on the tiled floor and the barely audible voices of people walking by. He felt a weight on his shoulder, that familiar scent drifted into his nose, setting his scent receptors into overdrive.

"Chosen one?" The soft voice asked, Jeff could feel him smiling on his shoulder.

He heard his own voice respond, "Hmm, I'm not sure about the colour. What do you think?"

Alan hummed, lifting his head, "We should get green, you look good in green" he said as he wrapped his arms around Jeff's waist, his hands settling on Jeff's abdomen.

"We're not buying clothes for me Phi, they're bedsheets"

"Well, you'll still be in them, a lot, so they need to suit you". The Alpha's smile widened.

Jeff jabbed his elbow into Alan's ribs, forcing the older man to recoil slightly.

"Awww, why'd you do that?" He said, arms still wrapped tightly around Jeff, "Come on, let's get green, they'll look great with the new room"

Jeff smiled, rolling his eyes, "Okay, let's get the green", he turned to face Alan as he loosened his grip. "What time did the movers say they'd be done?"

"They said they'd call me," Alan replied, kissing Jeff's neck softly.

"Phi!" Jeff exclaimed quietly, wriggling free of Alan's hug and looking around nervously, "There are people about".

Alan walked toward Jeff, his body pinning his younger boyfriend against the store shelving. "So?" he whispered, shrugging his shoulders. Jeff inhaled, his eyes focused on Alan's lips, willing him to move closer, to press the soft pink skin against his own waiting mouth.

Then it had ended and Jeff was left staring at a worried looking Alan in the X-Hunter locker room, having to think of yet another excuse for his zombie-like state.

The replay of his latest vision was interrupted by the ringing and vibrating of his phone that was sitting next to his noodle bowl. He glanced down at the screen and saw his brother's name flashing repeatedly. He really didn't want to answer the call, he knew that Charlie wanted to ask him about his first day at the garage. What was he supposed to say? Yeah it was great, I touched my boss twice and had two visions, both of which seem to indicate we are a couple in the future!?

Not happening, not a chance he'd tell Charlie anything! He'd want to know all of the details and Jeff didn't want to have to say any of it out loud. The phone continued to ring, Charlie very rarely hung up, he'd just let the dial tone echo over and over until Jeff answered, and if he didn't answer then his brother would turn up on his doorstep.

Staring at his phone, Jeff realised that the last thing he wanted was to see Charlie tonight, if he was face to face with him then he'd find it harder to keep the news about his visions to himself.

"Hi Charlie" he said, as he reluctantly answered the call.

"Brother, what took you so long?" Charlie questioned, "I was just getting my shoes on to make my way over to your apartment"

Answered just in time, Jeff thought.

"So, how was your first day?" Charlie asked, excitedly.

Jeff sighed, "Fine"

Charlie laughed, "Fine? Is that it? Come on, tell me some details Jeff. What did you do? Are there many other mechanics there? What's the boss like? Was he how you thought he'd be?"

Jeff scoffed, "No, of course not. I didn't think about him at all. Why would I think about him?"

"Err, Okay, this sounds interesting" Charlie paused before adding, "He's hot isn't he?". Jeff could hear the excited animation in his brother's voice.

The easy thing would be to lie, to tell his brother that no, his boss was not in the slightest bit attractive. He could say that he had not thought about his boss's rough, grease stained fingers, or the gorgeous dimples that form on his cheeks when he smiles. What the hell was he thinking?

"He's alright"

Charlie laughed, "Alright? What does that mean?"

"He's an Alpha"

"An Alpha? How do you know that? Did you ask him?" Charlie questioned

"I can smell it" Jeff replied

"Oh, what does he smell like?"

Jeff signed again, closing his eyes as he thought about the Alpha's scent. "Pine, he smells like sweet intoxicating pine"

"Oi Oi, sweet huh?" Charlie teased

Jeff snapped back to reality, realising he'd said more than he should have.

"Ah, you know Charlie, I have to go, busy day tomorrow so we can talk at the weekend, bye". Jeff rushed the sentence, he didn't want to give his brother an opportunity to cut him off.

As he put the phone down on the counter and reached to press the red disconnect button on the screen he could hear Charlie's voice bellowing out through the speaker.

"You like him, I can tell, I won't drop this, you li..."

Jeff ended the call and banged his forehead down onto the kitchen counter.

"Oh, brother"


More to follow

Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now