Not Thinking About Him

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Jeff lifted his hand and ran his fingers across his lips. Had he really just glimpsed the Alpha's hand doing the very same thing at some unknown point in the future?

He shook his head. No, it had to be a mistake. The vision must be wrong, although he'd never seen something that hadn't come true. All the visions he had experienced in the past had all come to pass, whether Jeff had wanted them to or not. He'd learnt that he had no control over his visions, his will was irrelevant. If something he had foreseen was going to happen, there was absolutely nothing he could do to stop it.

But this had to be different, right? Why would that strong, handsome Alpha ever willingly choose to be with him, a mere Omega? No, the notion was completely ridiculous. Something had clearly gone very wrong. It was possibly because he hadn't had a vision in such a long time. That had to be the reason. The spent time had most likely caused some kind of cerebral imbalance.

Yes, that had to be it.

Jeff looked up, his eyes landing on his plain grey apartment door. Confusion swept across him. How the hell had he got here? What about his noodles? He felt something in his hand and looked down to see a white plastic bag hanging from his fingertips. Shit! How had he been that deep in thought that he'd paid for the food and made his way home without evening realising.

"Jesus, Jeff", he scolded himself out loud as he fished around in his jean pocket for his door keys. As he entered the dimly lit apartment he continued to curse at himself. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he muttered as he placed the bag of noodles on the kitchen counter. One vision, that was all it was. A fleeting twenty second reel, a fantasy for goodness sake. A fantasy with a total stranger.

He pulled one of the instant noodle pots out of the bag and removed the lid, discarding it on the work surface. This absurd vision wasn't something he needed to think about anymore. In fact, it wasn't something he wanted to think about either. He didn't need anyone, he was fine just as he was. Totally fine. Wasn't he?

He turned his attention to his dinner, his stomach indicating that it couldn't wait any longer. The spinning noodle pot inside of the microwave threatened to hypnotise him as he tried desperately not to think about that Alpha. His scent was so unique, the sharp, sweet pine aroma still lingered inside his nose.

"What the hell am I doing?" he said as the ping from the microwave cut off his thoughts. He pulled the hot container out of the cooker, grabbed a fork from the sink drainer and walked over to the sofa, putting his feet up on the coffee table as he sat down. He pushed forkful after forkful of noodles into his mouth mindlessly as he stared at the black television screen.

Silence and solitude had never bothered Jeff before. His family background was troubled to say the least. The identity of his biological family was a mystery to him and the man who had adopted him had provided nothing that a father should, save for a roof over his head. The only good thing that came from his adoption was meeting his brother Charlie. They had managed to escape that sorry situation together a few years ago. Since then Jeff had kept himself busy with his mechanical engineering studies at the university, making sure to avoid developing any personal relationships. He didn't want to risk accidentally coming into contact with someone and being burdened with a vision of their future. Good or bad, it wasn't something that he wanted to see.

Sleep, he concluded, was the best course of action. He placed the empty plastic food pot and fork on the coffee table and headed to his bedroom. He pulled off his loose clothes, throwing them on the floor. He'd tidy up in the morning, he thought, right now he just needed to get to sleep. He pulled back the bed cover and slunk down into the cool cotton sheets, resting his head on the soft pillow as he closed his eyes. One final image flashed through his mind briefly before he drifted off to sleep. The image of that Alpha smiling at him.

"I love you Jeff," the soft voice whispered. Jeff felt a cool, rough touch on his back. The Alpha had slipped his hand underneath his shirt, his fingertips drawing minute circles along Jeff's spine. Why did it feel so amazing? Jeff struggled to catch his breath as he felt the Alpha's lips press against his neck. When he felt the swipe of a tongue along his jawline, Jeff almost lost consciousness.

He drew in a sharp breath as the Alpha's mouth covered his own. Heat spread across the surface of his skin as the Alpha's hand continued to work its way up Jeff's smooth back. He tried but failed to stifle a moan, sending it into the depths of the Alpha's throat. His response was instant, his tongue lashing at the soft walls of Jeff's mouth. The Alpha's fingers gripped Jeff's thigh tightly, forcing the heat burning across Jeff's skin to spread to his crotch. Another moan escaped, louder this time. Jeff reached his hand up to the back of the Alpha's head, lacing his fingers into the soft, glossy hair, tugging slightly as their kiss intensified. "I want you Jeff", the words were laden with lust. Jeff had never heard those words before, never imagined anyone would want him.

Jeff's eyes sprung open, his head still resting on the pillow. He could feel the heat burning on his skin. What on earth was going on? One vision in two years and now you're having sexy dreams about some unknown Alpha, he thought. He glanced over at the clock and sighed, it wasn't even midnight.

His current predicament was exactly why he avoided people. The visions messed him up, threw him off balance and he was left to deal with the consequences. At least this was a one off, there was almost a zero percent chance that he would ever see that Alpha again, let alone get close enough to touch him. No touch meant no visions.

He repeated this sentiment over and over in his mind before he finally fell back to sleep, not once thinking about the Alpha and his gloriously rough fingers.


More to follow

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Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now