God Damn

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Jeff hurriedly made his way out of the soundproof room, not daring to look back at the Alpha, he couldn't be sure that his feet wouldn't take him straight back to his side. He walked at pace along the corridor leading to the main workshop, the same corridor he had followed the Alpha down only ten minutes ago. That sweet, intoxicating pine scent still lingered in the air, invading Jeff's lungs once more, making him briefly lose concentration.

"Oh hey newbie, how'd it go?" asked Jeff's handsome guide as he left the corridor and stepped into the garage. He was standing next to a taller man with lighter hair and a cheekier smile.

Jeff didn't want to stop, he didn't know if the Alpha had followed him, and if he had, he couldn't chance being close to him again, not today, not when he was feeling himself losing all sense of rationale.

"I start tomorrow". The words left his mouth quickly and without emotion as he walked past, not stopping to hear their response. Alan would surely fill them in on the situation and it was of no concern to Jeff anyway, he didn't want to make friends, he needed to keep people at a safe distance.

The cool breeze hit his face as he pushed open the glass door that led to his freedom, his safety. His shaky hand frantically searched in his pocket for his car keys, an exasperated sigh of relief leaving his lips when his fingers located the cold metal keychain. He climbed inside, slamming the door closed as he slumped down into the leather, flopping his head forward to rest on the steering wheel.

"What the hell was I thinking?" He said out loud, "I can start tomorrow? For fuck sake Jeff"

He pounded his forehead on the black wheel repeatedly, his hands squeezing the edges of the leather, giving way to a high pitched creaking noise. What on hell's earth had gotten into him? Fifteen minutes in that Alpha's annoyingly intoxicating presence and he had totally lost all logic. He'd tried to concentrate on tuning the car and keeping things professional, he was a good student after all and serious about his career, but he felt like some underlying force was controlling him, willing him to succumb to these unexpected and unwanted urges.

And unwanted is just what they were, Jeff reminded himself.

"I don't need or want anybody"

He took in a deep breath as he lifted his head, opening his lungs and his mind, sweeping all thoughts of that Alpha into a dark box and metaphorically throwing away the key. He started the car, put it in gear and drove away, not once thinking about looking back.

The following morning came around all too quickly. Jeff had hardly slept, his mind wandering throughout the night, snippets of that ominous vision cutting his sleep cycle short, leaving him awake and uncomfortably aroused.

He jumped into the shower, hoping to wash away his ever increasing nerves. Jeff was usually a three minute shower kind of Omega, but today he took longer, his head flopped forward as the hot water rushed over his skin, questions whirling like a hurricane through his mind. Why am I getting so anxious? So, I've had a couple of dreams about some guy, big deal, nothing to be getting all burned up about, he thought. What was it about this Alpha? His scent was nothing special, just pine and musky tobacco, yet it only took one small inhalation for Jeff to feel completely inebriated.

He turned the shower off and reached for his towel, swiping it across his face and hair, leaving it a half wet, tussled mess. As he walked across the cool tiled bathroom floor and into his softly lit bedroom he thought more about the Alpha. There was really no need to worry, he concluded as he grabbed a plain black tee shirt from his wardrobe and slipped it over his head. He was a grown man, an Omega that had been avoiding people for a long time, many people, and successfully too. This was just one man, one Alpha, it would be easy to stay clear of him.

Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora