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Jeff realised that he should be taking notes as his Professor spoke. Damn it. He leant to the side of his desk and quickly scrambled around in his bag for a pen. What had happened to him? Before working at the garage, he was the most diligent student, star pupil in fact. He would arrive at the lecture halls early, well before anyone else and lay all his equipment out on the desk, paper on the left and pens on the right. Now, only a couple of weeks after meeting the Alpha, he couldn't even remember what the hell he should be doing. Finally locating the writing implement he began scribbling notes onto a blank piece of paper as he desperately tried to concentrate.

The soft tapping of rain on the windows caught his attention, drawing his eyes upward. He looked at the tall, glass panels and watched as the water droplets slid down the translucent pane. Water. Jeff's mind flitted back to the previous day, water running all around him, cascading over his and the Alpha's bare skin as they stood in Jeff's shower. After he'd first met the Alpha he wondered what it would be like to have him in his steamy bathroom, his hands running over his untouched flesh. But that was just a daydream, a very sexy daydream, one that had absolutely no chance of coming true. Or, so he thought.

Alan's hands were rough, the many years of working on car engines had hardened the skin more than was expected for his age. Jeff's bare flesh felt like it was on fire when Alan touched him, the coarseness of the Alpha's fingertips only adding to the intensity of the pleasure. The Alpha had pressed Jeff up against the cold tile of the shower cubicle, Jeff's legs still wrapped tightly around his waist. One hand on Jeff's hip, the Alpha had turned on the shower without even looking, his mouth glued to the Omega's.

Jeff tapped his hand on the paper in front of him as he thought about how the cool water had gushed over them, they'd both moaned in surprise, laughing into each other's mouths. A smile crept across Jeff's face as he thought about how Alan had trailed kisses down his neck, stopping over his scent gland, his teeth catching lightly on the skin, making Jeff shudder.

"You're so sexy" He'd told him, something that Jeff never thought he'd hear anyone say to him.

Laughter erupted in the lecture hall, abruptly knocking Jeff from his thoughts. Shit, he hadn't been paying attention. He glanced around him coyly. Fortunately he was tucked away in the corner and the chair next to him was vacant, as he liked it. Right, time to concentrate Jeff, he said to himself.

"Now, let's think about the water pump system in relation to this. We don't want it to be overworked. The harder it pumps..... ". Jeff stopped listening, the words waking his daydream once again.

"Has anyone ever had their mouth on you Jeff?" The Alpha asked as he kissed his way along Jeff's collar bone.

"Ah..well....you, Lung....you're mouth is on me now" he replied between raspy breaths.

Alan laughed, the noise muffled by Jeff's neck where his mouth was half pressed against the wet skin. He raised his head, looking Jeff directly in his eyes. Jeff moaned as the Alpha's large hand brushed over his hard cock still trapped in his underwear.

"I meant here, Jeff, has anyone ever had their mouth on you here?"

The Omega shook his head, "No....you're the only that's ever touched me"

Jeff shifted in his seat as he thought about the way the Alpha had moaned at the words. It was so raw, almost animal like, and he'd pressed his chest against Jeff's as he brought their lips together.

"Can I, Jeff?" he'd asked as he pulled back, Jeff mewling at the loss of lip contact.

He scribbled circles on the paper laying on his desk as embarrassment washed over him. He thought about his reactions, his behaviour. He'd never done anything with anyone. Alan was his first date, first kiss, first..... How had his reactions been so unrestrained, so lewd?

Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now