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Alan woke up abruptly the following morning to the sound of his alarm buzzing loudly. He reached over to the bedside cabinet and shut off the unwelcome noise, slumping back down on the pillow behind him. He thought of Jeff, not deliberately, the kid just wandered in, uninvited, but not unwanted. He was clumsy, Alan concluded. Every single time they'd met, the kid had fallen at his feet, literally. He thought about their first meeting at the store, how he'd had no choice but to chase him down, to follow that invigorating scent. The more he thought about that night, the more he realised how he'd lost control. His instincts were driving him, his brain had fogged and he had only one thing on his agenda, find that Omega.

Alan pressed a hand on his chest as he thought about the moment they had collided. The Kid had kind of spaced out, Alan watched as his eyes had glazed over. It hadn't lasted long and at first, Alan had just thought maybe it was the force of their impact, the mixture of their scents as they swirled in the air. He'd wanted to say something, ask the Omega's name, but when he saw the distressed look in his eyes all his courage disappeared, so he'd walked away. That was it, he'd missed his chance. He'd wanted to go back, turning around when he was half way down the aisle but the Kid was gone.

Laughter filled his bedroom as he thought about that sunny afternoon in the garage. He'd smelt something filling the air just moments before Sonic announced that the kid from the university had arrived. The sweet smell of honey had brought back images of that night, that kid. Then he'd turned around and there he was, standing in front of him, he'd felt the smile forming on his face, he couldn't stop it. From that moment on things had got complicated, for him at least.

Tapping his fingers on his chest, he replayed every second of the previous day's events in his head. As he'd said goodbye to the tyre rep, he'd glanced up, not for any particular reason, he hadn't expected the kid to be looking out of the window, but there he was, staring down at him. He'd marched back to the office at double speed, he wanted and needed to be near the Kid. What was he going to do when he got there? He hadn't bothered asking himself that question at the time.

When he'd walked through the office door he had found the Kid inspecting his chair, his favourite chair, the one that he'd given to him. Was he sniffing it? He thought about coughing lightly, just enough to make the Kid aware of his presence but he'd decided not to. He'd approached quietly, he wanted to watch the Kid a little longer. Of course he was startled when Alan had spoken, tripping again, taking a fist full of Alan's t-shirt and dragging him down. Alan had braced one arm on the desk, the other on the leather chair arm. Their faces were so close they were sharing the same breath, the Kid had his eyes closed. Alan had studied his face, the fullness of his cheeks and the arch of nose. He took in a deep breath as he ran his eyes over the Omega's pink lips, wondering what they would taste like.


He wriggled about underneath the bed sheets, he could feel his manhood starting to wake up, he needed to stop thinking about that Kid. But that kiss, the taste of the Omega on his tongue was even more delectable than he could have imagined. The cinnamon swirled around his mouth, seeping into his skin, he could almost feel the sweetness coursing through his veins as the Kid had pressed his tongue against the inside of Alan's cheeks.


Alan was hard, really hard. What the hell was this Kid doing to him? The snapshot of them kissing hung in front of his eyes, he could feel the tightness in his chest as heat started to pool around his crotch. He wanted to get out of bed, jump in the shower and forget all about this, but it was too late, he was too far gone. His Alpha was rumbling inside of him, commanding him to take care of them. A hand slid under the light grey covers, he sucked in a breath as it made much wanted contact with the taut skin of his erection.

Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now