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Much to his relief, Jeff had classes scheduled at the university for the next two days, he was glad to be able to put some distance between himself and that annoyingly good looking Alpha. After his disastrous phone call with Charlie the previous night, he had been playing over the day's events in his mind, trying to find a reason for his stupidity, but he had come up empty.

"God, I need to stop thinking about him"

He ruffled his hand through his unkempt bed hair, pushed back the light blue blanket and got out of bed, stretching his arms into the air to release the early morning rigidity in his muscles. He rubbed his eyes as he started to walk towards the bathroom, he needed to shower before heading to the university. As he turned on the water and started to remove his night clothes, he glanced at himself in the mirror.

"It's a new day, Jeff. You're not at the garage today, so no need to think about anything or anyone related to that. This is just a normal day."

After his hot shower, he slipped on a black tee shirt and dark wide legged jeans, grabbing a hoodie from the end of his bed as he left the room. He slid his phone into his bag, flung it over his shoulder, grabbed his keys from the console table and walked out of his apartment, his mind as clear as a crystal, for now.


"Jeff, can I have a word?" The professor asked as the lecture ended and all the students began to file out of the room.

Jeff stopped packing his things and walked over to the professor's desk, an air of hesitation in his footsteps. The last time he'd wanted to talk to him, the professor had sent him to his fated assignment at X-Hunter, at least it couldn't be anything to do with that.

"So I heard it went well at the garage yesterday?"

Fabulous, thought Jeff.

The professor didn't wait for an acknowledgement before continuing, "Alan called me this morning"

Jeff's head snapped up at the mention of the Alpha's name.

"He said they're really short handed over there, and he was very impressed with your work, so we've come to an agreement which I believe you will be very pleased about" He stopped and smiled at Jeff. "I'm going to excuse you from some of the course lectures for the rest of the term, I've already cleared it with your other teacher, so it means that you can be at X-Hunter four days a week, starting from tomorrow". He smiled boastfully at Jeff.

Jeff was in shock. He could see the professor was extremely pleased with himself and waiting for an equally enthusiastic response, but Jeff was frozen in thought. Four days a week? With the Alpha?


"Err, what about my class grades?" he asked, desperately hoping the professor had forgotten about that aspect of the situation.

"That won't be a problem, Alan and I had a long conversation about it, he'll make sure to cover certain aspects with you at the garage and the two of us are going to liaise once a fortnight to ensure you aren't missing anything. I'll email you some materials for the parts that can't be covered by the internship".

Jeff couldn't believe what he was hearing. His professor and the Alpha had it all worked out, every little detail. But how did this come about? Who's idea was it? Had he impressed Alan that much with his work that he wanted him at the garage more often? Or was there another reason? Was he suspicious of him? Of his blackouts? What if he knew what they meant? Knew about his abilities?

Jeff's brain was going into overdrive, producing too many questions for him to process. He needed to get out of this somehow. Two days a week was going to be tough but double that, how on earth was he going to avoid him?

"But professor, is there anyone at the garage who knows about the topics that I need to cover to make sure I can pass the course? I don't want to waste all the work I've done"

The professor smiled, "Actually it turns out Alan has a similar degree to the one you are doing, and he took an enhanced course a couple of years ago in mechanical engineering, so he's going to mentor you personally"

Jeff could have fainted.

"Mentor me personally? Himself?"

"Hmm, yes, you should feel very honoured Jeff. Alan is a very knowledgeable and experienced engineer, he used to be a racer himself too in fact". The professor looked at his watch, "Ah, I have to go to a meeting. I'll email you tomorrow with some materials, you'll be at the garage for the rest of the week now. Make the most of this Jeff, it's a great opportunity" he added before picking up his briefcase and walking out of the lecture hall.

"Personally mentor me? PERSONALLY?" Jeff said out loud once he was alone, the words echoing in the quiet room, taunting him.

There was no way out of it, Jeff knew that the professor wouldn't accept any excuses now.

"Shit" he said as the reality of the situation hit him. It was his first day at the garage yesterday and he'd had two visions involving the Alpha, how on earth was he going to get through four days a week?


The following morning Jeff decided to arrive at the garage slightly later than he had on his first day, he didn't want to risk being alone with Alan. He'd felt nervous when he woke, worried that he might accidentally trigger another vision, apprehensive about what he might see if he did.

He entered the X-Hunter building, and walked down the familiar dark corridor that led to the workshop. The nerves were wreaking havoc with his insides, he felt like his internal organs were doing somersaults. He placed a hand on his chest, the beating of his racing heart pulsating on his palm, small beads of sweat seeping through to the cotton tee shirt underneath.

"Relax Jeff, for goodness sake" he whispered.

The workshop was busy, he recognised a few of the faces from his previous visit, but there were a couple of additional ones that he couldn't place. Then he saw the one face that he, without a doubt, could not forget.

The smile, wide and genuine, produced those unique dimples on each of his smooth cheeks. His dark hair was brushed back today, exposing his forehead, brightening his eyes. Once again, his overalls were tied around his waist.

He spotted Jeff standing by the doorway, "Good morning kid" he said, as he threw down a greasy white rag and walked toward him.

Jeff felt a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. That's when it hit him, it wasn't nerves he had been feeling at the thought of seeing the Alpha, it was worse than that, it was excitement. Charlie was right, Jeff liked him.

He quickly stopped the smile from forming, "My name is Jeff, not kid"

Alan laughed, "I know" he stopped directly in front of Jeff, "So, we're going to be working together a lot closer it seems", he paused, leaning forward ever so slightly, "Excited?"


Hope someone enjoyed it 🙂

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