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I've been busy this weekend, I'm well into a story on AO3 and waiting for the updates made me realise how you guys must feel so here is another one for you.. Enjoy, Love Ya, CK


"Yeah, a little more..that's it"

Jeff held his thumb up at Babe through the car window, his signal to stop revving the engine. They were in the soundproof test room, checking Babe's car after Jeff had finished making some adjustments that morning.

"Good readings?" Babe said as he climbed out of the open passenger door.

"Yep, as I expected"

Babe smiled, "You're good at your job, Jeff"

"Thanks" Jeff replied, closing his laptop and unplugging it from the car's on board control system. "I've got a few reports to fill out," he said before leaving the room.

Babe shook his head slightly and smiled to himself. Jeff still said very little, he spoke more to Babe than he did the other staff, but still, it was hard to imagine him getting up to mischief with Alan in his office. Babe sighed, he supposed he ought to go and have that talk with his boss while Jeff was busy.

As he walked to Alan's office he clocked Jeff in the kitchen so he gave North the eye, which surprisingly enough he picked up on. He thought he most likely had ten minutes until Jeff was able to escape North's ramblings.

"Hey P'Alan" Babe greeted his boss as he entered the office and sat down at the desk. "So, how's it going?"

"Hey, Babe, err, well as you can see I've got a mountain of paperwork here..."

Babe cut him off rolling his eyes, "Ah P'Alan, always with the paperwork. I'm talking about you and Jeff"

"Ah..oh.." Alan stuttered, not expecting this line of questioning, "Well,'s going great, actually. Really great" A red flush started to appear on his cheeks, making Babe chuckle.

"Well, I'm glad. But, err..the thing is. Well, everyone knows"

Alan's eyes blew wide, "What? Why did you tell them?"

"Hey, wait a minute, I didn't"

"Well how did they find out then? You're the only one we told"

Babe laughed, "It wasn't exactly hard to figure out, Lung, we could smell you two fooling around in here"

If Alan's face was red before it was like a beetroot now. His mouth dropped open and his eyes closed.

"Don't tell me you didn't think about the pheromones?"

Alan let out a few mumbled breaths, "No, I honestly didn't even think of it"

"Hmm, well I guess I understand, you had, erm, other things on your mind"

"Fuck" Alan said, letting his forehead hit the wooden desk in front of him. "How bad was it?"

"For me? Horrendous. Not so much for the others but...."

"Sorry," Alan offered.

"Ha, no you're not"

Alan smirked, "Well..."

"I'm happy for you Lung, you know that you're getting some, but please, do it at home from now on, yeah?"

"Hey, it's not like that, we haven't done that yet, just ...other stuff"

"Oh, okay, well keep the 'other stuff' at home then. What's stopping you from the rest? I thought you wanted to fuck him"

"Babe!" Alan exclaimed looking around him. Noticing the office door was open he quickly stood up and closed it.

"We're taking things slowly"

"Really, slowly huh? Cause fooling around in here everyday for the last two weeks doesn't seem like you're taking it slowly"

"God. I want to, so badly. But, Jeff, he's never dated before so I don't want to push him. I'm..." Alan sighed and looked Babe square in the eyes, "He's it Babe, for me, he's it"

"Fuck, that's a big statement two weeks in".

Babe couldn't contemplate having those kinds of feelings. Relationships were not his thing, sex was his thing and that's the way he liked it. Feelings were messy and unnecessary in his view, but he knew that Alan thought differently.

"I know, but that's how I feel. I just don't want to ruin it" Alan's voice trailed off, he was clearly anxious.

What could he say to make his friend feel better? He had no experience with this so he wasn't quite sure what the right thing to say was?

"Have you spoken to him about it? Maybe he's feeling the same"

Alan hummed.

Babe rolled his eyes, "I can't believe I'm saying this. You won't know how the other feels unless you talk, so maybe take a break from the sexual stuff, and just talk". He got up and walked out of the office, leaving Alan alone to think about what he'd said.


It had been a busy morning for Jeff, he'd spent the first half tuning and testing Babe's car and then the last hour filling out the subsequent service log. Alan had said that he had a few calls to make before lunch so Jeff had purposely kept away from the office, not wanting to distract his boyfriend. He still couldn't quite believe that he had a boyfriend, a hot, sexy one at that. Alan was really amazing and the way he made Jeff feel was like nothing that he had ever imagined. When they were together it was like nothing else existed, no matter where they were. A few nights back Alan had taken Jeff to the movies, they'd bought popcorn and drinks and they'd sat in the back row. If anyone were to ask Jeff what the film was about he wouldn't be able to tell them, he hadn't paid much attention. The Omega felt like a teenager again, experiencing things that he never got to, and it felt amazing.

He really wanted to tell Alan about his powers, he thought that maybe he had started to notice when Jeff was having a vision, although he'd tried his best to hide it. But, at the end of the day, the truth was that he didn't want to lie to Alan anymore, he wanted the Alpha to know him, all of him. He just prayed that he would accept him, even with this awful power that he didn't want and couldn't control.

It was past one when he shut his laptop down and realised that he was starting to feel hungry. He hoped that Alan would have finished his calls so he decided to go and look for him, maybe they could go and get lunch together, and he would have an opportunity to talk.

When he got to the office Alan wasn't there, so he placed the laptop on his desk and wandered back into the workshop. There was no one around so he walked through the empty space toward the back door, hearing voices as he approached.

"Yeah, well, I'm just glad I haven't got Babe's senses. It was bad enough with my normal Alpha nose"

Jeff recognised the voice as North's, he wondered what he was referring to.

"Hmm, sorry again. And I get what you mean, special Alphas and Omegas, they have it tough. I certainly wouldn't want to be burdened with having powers"

Jeff stopped, he knew that voice, of course he did. It belonged to Alan. But what was he saying?

"Yeah, me too boss. Can you imagine?"

"No, I can't. I mean Babe's, they don't really affect anyone here, but I'm not sure I could deal with having an extra sense, especially one that affected other people"

No. Jeff knew this would happen. How had he been so stupid to think that anything would be different, that he could be with someone, that he could be happy? He turned on his heels and ran to the locker room, tears streaming down his face.





Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu