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So..who's excited for the new Sai and Pon show?? I'm buzzing today..amazing news 😃


Jeff dug his nails into the Alpha's fist that was still tightly wrapped around his tee shirt, their eyes locked. God damn.

He was frozen, unable to move or speak, vivid snippets of that detailed vision flashing through his mind. His mouth was dry, his hands sweating, Alan could most likely feel the cool beads of water seeping from Jeff's hand to his as their fists were still clenched tightly together. They continued to stare at one another, Jeff lost in the darkness of Alan's eyes, thinking about how those same eyes had been hazy with lust only moments ago. Was that because of him?

Suddenly becoming self aware, Jeff broke their eye contact, looking away awkwardly. As he attempted to push himself up he felt a slight pull on his shirt as Alan assisted him. Jeff cleared his throat as he adjusted his now out of shape tee shirt collar.

"Morning" he said, shooting an almost invisible smile in the Alpha's direction.

"What is it with you and me?" Alan asked, smiling.

Jeff snapped his neck up, shocked at the question. Had Alan seen the vision too?

"Two out of the three times that we have met, I've had to catch you" Alan raised an eyebrow as he spoke.

Does he remember me? Jeff thought. No that's impossible. Why would he remember me?

"Do you like running into my chest?" Alan added.

Jeff felt a hot embarrassing flush reddening his face, he was stunned into silence. Do I like running into his chest? Why on earth would I like that?

"No. Of course not. Why would I want to touch your chest? I don't even know you"

Alan smiled, taking a step closer to Jeff, "Who said anything about touching my chest?"

Jeff's mouth dropped open, broken words stuttering out between short breaths. What the hell was wrong with him? He cleared his throat, taking a step backward in the hope that some distance would help him regain his composure.

"Look, I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming around the corner. It wasn't intentional"

Alan crossed his arms over his chest, moving towards Jeff again, closing the safety gap he had just opened up.

"Which time wasn't intentional?"

"This one, obviously" Jeff replied instantly

"Ahh, I see. So the first time you ran into me on purpose?"

Jeff could feel the heat on his skin growing, he was almost sure that his face was now the same colour as a tomato.

"What first time?" Jeff decided playing ignorant was the best course of action.

Alan smiled, placing both his hands into the pockets on his overalls, taking slow and steady steps toward Jeff. Not wanting to get too close, Jeff took a step backward for every one that Alan took forward. Three paces and Jeff felt his back hit the wall, leaving him nowhere to go, no way of keeping his distance from the sweet smelling Alpha. Jeff put his hand up in a bid to stop Alan from moving any closer. The soft cotton felt smooth on his palm as Alan's chest came to rest on his hand.

"I thought you didn't want to touch my chest?" Alan asked as he looked down at Jeff's hand, his fingers moving faintly, caressing the cotton.

Jeff snatched his hand away, pushing Alan slightly, creating enough room for him to wriggle to safety. Alan laughed quietly to himself, this kid was easy to wind up.

"So, you want to get to it?" he asked

Jeff looked at the Alpha, stunned. Get to it? What was he implying?

"Work. You're here to work right kid?" Alan added, with a smirk plastered across his handsome face.

Jeff scoffed, "My name's Jeff, not kid. And yes, I'm here to work"

"Great, let's go then" Alan said, laughing as he walked past Jeff and down the corridor.

It seems he's having fun, Jeff thought. Does he really remember that night at the convenience store, the one that I can't seem to forget?

Jeff followed after the Alpha quickly, not wanting to get too far behind, it was his first day and he wanted to make a good impression, although it seemed that maybe he already had.

As they exited the dark corridor and stepped into the brightly lit workshop Alan looked behind him at Jeff, "Follow me".

Jeff did as he was told, walking behind Alan, inhaling his scent as he went, forcing himself to remain lucid.

He followed him through a doorway at the far side of the garage into a sun-drenched room. It was lined with bright yellow floor to ceiling lockers, large windows ran around all sides above the lockers, letting the natural light flood in.

The Alpha turned to face Jeff, looking him up and down. He smiled before turning around and walking over to a cupboard next to the door.

"Here, these should fit you" he said, holding out the dark blue folded overalls, "Take any of the lockers, there are changing cubicles around the corner, and showers if you ever need to use them" he added, gesturing around the side of the lemon coloured cabinets.

Jeff nodded and smiled, "Thanks", reaching out to take the clothing from Alan, not paying attention to his hands. It was only a graze, a brief moment that their fingers brushed against one another. Was it enough to trigger a vision?

"Kid? Kid? You OK?", Alan said. Jeff could see a blurry handy waving about in front of his face. He stared at the Alpha, coughed gently and nodded.

"Oh good. Your eyes glazed over for a minute there"

Jeff sighed. He guessed it was enough to trigger a vision.


More to follow

Thanks for the reads and votes

Love ya


Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now