The Date Part 1

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God this was pathetic. Jeff was not this kind of Omega. At all.

He looked around his bedroom, not one speck of the dark wooden floor was visible beneath the mounds of discarded outfits carelessly strewn across it. What the hell was he doing? Every morning he just pulled something from the wardrobe and put it on, without giving it a second thought. So why couldn't he do that today? This Alpha was driving him crazy. Not only had he been unable to sleep or function properly for the last twenty four hours, but now he couldn't even get himself dressed. He sighed loudly. When did that become a thing? Oh yes, when he'd met that god damn Alpha, that's when. That funny, handsome, amazing kisser of an Alpha.

"Oh my days Jeff, get a grip man", he mumbled to himself.

When the Alpha had asked him out on a date, he'd been surprised. Stunned into silence, he didn't know what to say.

That was a lie, he had known what he wanted to say, it just took him a beat to realise it.

"Go out with me Kid"

"We are out" Jeff said.

The Alpha laughed, "On a date Kid, go out with me on a date"

Jeff's palms were still pressed against the Alpha's chest, he could feel the man's heart pounding beneath the cotton of his shirt. Was Jeff the reason that the Alpha's heart was pumping so uncontrollably fast?

Did he just say a date? He wants to go on a date?

Alan pursed his lips as he brushed his thumb across Jeff's jaw.

"I like you, Kid. I like you a lot. And you know you like me too"

Well, that was pretty presumptuous, Jeff thought, a smile tugging at his lips. When did this Alpha get so brazen? Like him too? Ha!

What's that noise? Jeff could hear a vascular pulse whooshing inside of his ears. He reached a hand to his own chest, feeling the thump almost instantly. His heart was beating so fast, what the hell was happening to him?

The Alpha leant in, his warm, sweet breath landing on Jeff's earlobe.

"Do you want to go on a date, Kid?"

Jeff hadn't meant to speak, his brain had given him no warning, none at all. His mouth had taken action of its own accord. A single word was all he uttered, but it was enough to make the Alpha beam, his gorgeous dimples on full display.


Right. One thing at a time. He looked down at himself, underwear on. Great.

He glanced in the wardrobe, it was all but empty, just a single solitary t-shirt hanging, waiting to join its friends on the floor of rejection. What was he doing? It was just a date, a meeting of two people, two people who had already met on several occasions. No big deal. Except for the fact that this was Jeff's first ever date. And that his partner for the evening was extremely attractive, and only twenty four hours ago they'd been kissing each other breathless.

Focus, that's what he needed to do. His wrist started beeping. Shit, is that the time? Thirty minutes until the Alpha was picking him up.

His favourite jeans, they'd do. Wait, were jeans acceptable for a date? It didn't help that he had no idea where they were going. He'd asked the previous evening as he'd left the garage but the Alpha had remained tight lipped, unwilling to give anything away. Jeff was outwardly annoyed, but secretly, it made him feel good to think that the Alpha had made plans.

He pulled the faded blue denim up his legs and fastened the button at his waist, looking in the mirror when he was done, nodding in approval. The t-shirt that was left in his wardrobe was his least favourite, hence why it hadn't yet been tried on, so he turned his attention to the reject pile. Green, maybe he should wear green. The Alpha is always wearing that emerald coloured tank, it could be his favourite colour. He bent down, searching through the stack of cotton on the floor, eyes scanning as he pulled up top after top.

Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now