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"Come on, you're being ridiculous, you can't sit in the car all day" Jeff said to himself.

Twenty minutes, that's how long he'd be sitting in front of the X-Hunter building, with only one thing on his mind.

He still couldn't work out how it had happened. When he had got to Alan's office he said his polite goodnight as he'd intended and turned to leave.

Then he'd felt it, the warmth cascading across his skin, the rough fingers wrapped around his arm. All his years of experience told him that he needed to leave immediately, so why hadn't he?

How he'd ended up against the wall, the Alpha's face only an inch from his own, he didn't know. The Alpha had asked him a question, he could recall his voice, low and filled with lust, but the words he'd used were a mystery.

The only image Jeff had in his mind was of the Alpha's lips, the soft, blush skin had mesmerised him. He should have looked away, maybe he could have left before anything else had happened. But he hadn't, and it had.

He never thought that he would behave that way, he'd never kissed anyone before, and it certainly hadn't gone as he had imagined. A short joining together of lips, minimal movement, that's what he had expected a first kiss to be. So why on earth had he thrust his tongue into Alan's mouth? And enjoyed it?

Quickly realising that reliving the events of the previous evening were not helping him at all, he smacked himself on the cheek. Time to get out of the car, Jeff.

He bit on his lower lip nervously as he walked toward the X-Hunter building. Alan was the type who would want to talk about what had happened, Jeff could tell. But then, wouldn't anyone?

As he prepared to push open the glass entrance door he took in a deep breath, hoping to steady his nerves. How had he gotten into this mess? A few weeks ago he was fine, living his life in solitude, with no handsome Alphas to think about. He was better off three weeks ago. Wasn't he?

He pressed his palm against the glass and pushed, but the door didn't open. Was the Alpha not here? He tried again, the door was definitely locked. Maybe he had been wrong, Alan clearly didn't want to talk about what had happened.

Jeff had thought that the Alpha had enjoyed the kiss, he'd had his hand around the back of Jeff's neck, his fingertips digging into the skin as their tongues had danced together. Jeff was sure that he'd heard him moan, or had he imagined it? Maybe that's why he didn't run after him when he left, because he didn't want to, because he regretted it.

Jeff turned and started to walk back to his car, looking up when he heard an engine rumbling. Babe drove his car right up to the front of the building, getting out casually as Jeff approached.

"You're here early" he observed as he started to walk toward the front door.

"Yeah, I usually get here at this time, but the door is locked. P'Alan is normally here, but it seems he isn't today"

Babe heard a slightly strange tone in the new boy's voice but decided to ignore it.

"Yeah, he has meetings all morning so he won't be here until this afternoon" Babe said, slotting his key inside the lock and opening the door. "He asked me to get here early to open up, I wondered why, now I know" he added, raising an eyebrow at Jeff.

Jeff smiled, the Alpha had meetings, that's why he wasn't here. Maybe he didn't regret the kiss they'd shared after all.

"What are you smiling about?"

Babe was staring directly at Jeff, his nose wrinkled up into a "what the heck" expression.

"I'm not smiling, '' Jeff answered, hurriedly pushing past Babe and darting towards the workshop.

Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now