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Alan looked at the chunky watch strapped to his wrist, it was gone half past nine and the kid still wasn't here. He'd arrived at the garage even earlier than usual this morning, planning to get some paperwork done before the kid had showed up, but that hadn't exactly gone to plan. Once he'd started looking through the mound of papers on his desk an idea came to his mind. Would it be nice for the kid to have an allocated workspace? Somewhere he could do some of his written coursework whilst he was at the garage. Yes, he thought it would probably benefit the kid, if there was a bit of lull with the work then he could settle right into his university work without having to waste time traveling home.

Alan hummed to himself, he knew there was a spare desk in the storage room, but he had to figure out where he could put it. His first thought was the workshop, but that would probably be too noisy, no one could concentrate properly with drills buzzing in the background, and worse than that, North's singing. He tapped his hand on his tan leather desk chair as he contemplated his other options. There was really only one place in the building that was somewhat quiet, and Alan was currently sitting in it. But would the kid feel uncomfortable being in his office?

There really was nowhere else for the desk to go so he decided to just go ahead and get the workspace set up. Alan's office wasn't that big but his lack of furniture made it seem more spacious. His own desk currently sat at the back of the room underneath the window, a row of filing cabinets lined up along the wall to the left of it. He thought that the kid would work better under the natural light so he needed to relocate his desk to another part of the room. There was a stack of boxes leaning precariously against the wall opposite the window, that would be an ideal spot for his own desk, he thought. It took longer than he had expected, but he sat on the floor and diligently sorted through all four of the boxes, most of which contained useless or outdated paperwork. Once the area was clear, he dragged his heavy wooden desk across the floor, slotting his favourite leather chair in pride of place behind it.

Alan had positioned the desk so that he would be facing into the room, he didn't want to be looking at the wall when he worked, and hopefully, after today, there would be a better view directly opposite him, under the window. Fortunately for Alan's back the storage room was next to his office, so he managed to move the kid's new desk without too much difficulty. Small beads of sweat ran down his chest as he positioned the black metal table beneath the window, the early morning sun already beaming in, making the metal warm to the touch. He had an additional office chair that he rarely used, so he placed it behind the new desk meaning that Jeff would also be facing into the room when he was working. Tired from the last hour of manual labour, he sat himself down behind the kid's new work station, feeling more than a little pleased with himself, he just hoped the kid would be happy with it.

"Hey boss, can you take a look at this?" Babe's voice disturbed Alan's thoughts. He glanced down at his watch once more before calling back to Babe, "Sure". He reluctantly dragged his eyes away from the door. Where the hell was this kid?

Alan really didn't understand what was wrong with him. He could hear Babe talking, and was able to make out a few words here and there, but his mind wasn't focused on the job, he was distracted. Where was that kid? The professor had said that he would talk to him, tell him all about the arrangements that they'd made. Maybe the kid hadn't agreed to it, maybe he didn't want to work at the garage, maybe he didn't want to work with Alan.


Alan felt a light slap on his bare forearm, looking up to see Babe's offending hand still lingering in the air, ready to wipe for a second time.

"What was that for?"

"To get your attention. Why are you looking over there?" Babe asked, gesturing towards the door, "Are you even listening to me?"

Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now