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Apologies for the length of this one, I wanted it to go somewhere, and it took a while getting there! haha, Enjoy CK

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Keep your eyes forward Jeff, nothing else you need to look at, just focus on getting to the car. The car where you'll be alone, sitting next to each other. Fuck.

Jeff and Alan were walking side by side across the sun drenched car park. Jeff had his hands screwed into fists, digging his short fingernails into the soft skin of his palm, a clear indication that he was nervous.

Alan glanced at the Omega, he couldn't believe that Babe had come through, the man was a genius. He ran his eyes down Jeff's body as the Kid pulled ahead of him, noticing his tightly screwed fists. Was he nervous? Alan wanted to ask him about the kiss, find out what he was thinking, why he ran off so suddenly, but he didn't think that this was the best time to do it. He would wait.

Reaching into his pocket he pulled out his keys, the car unlocked with a beep. Jeff looked up, where was the Alpha going? He'd suddenly picked up pace, darting around to the passenger side door and opening it, standing there with that ridiculously handsome grin on his face. "Get in Kid" he said in that deep, sultry voice.

No feelings, Jeff, no feelings at all.

Jeff sauntered past the Alpha who was still holding the door ajar, watching his every move. Did he deliberately mean to inhale a deep breath as he passed? Why would he? He didn't want that sweet, woody aroma to fill his lungs and make him think about how refreshing he tasted. No, he didn't want that at all.

Alan closed the car door softly once Jeff had climbed inside and quickly got into the driver's seat, smiling brightly at the Kid as he pulled on his seatbelt and started the engine.

"You've got a nice car P'Alan" Jeff said, to his own surprise. Why didn't he just keep quiet?

"Thanks, I've not had it long, it's my baby"

Jeff laughed. What are you doing Jeff?

"Why are you laughing?" Alan asked, a spark of excitement in his eyes, "This isn't just a car you know, it's my pride and joy. I take care of her, she's my baby"

"She?" Jeff mocked, his eyebrows raised, "I thought you liked men"

Shit. What the fuck had he just said?

Alan's face turned serious, maybe this was the time to have the talk. Was the Kid hinting that he wanted to? He opened his mouth to speak but the Kid cut him off.

"We should probably get going. Do you mind if I turn the radio on?" Jeff once again didn't wait for an answer, he just reached across to the dash and flipped on the stereo, scanning the various stations, his eyes fixed forward. Alan smiled to himself, the Kid looked nervous. Did Alan make him nervous?

The uniform supplier was on the outskirts of town only a twenty minute drive from the garage, and Jeff was resolute in his mission to stare out of the passenger window for the entire journey. He had to concentrate on his breathing, he could feel the Alpha's scent entering his blood stream every time he took in oxygen.

Alan glanced across at his passenger when they stopped at a red light. There must be something really interesting outside of that window, he thought. He looked down at the Kid's lap, those fists again, squeezed so tight.

"We're going to a clothing supplier" Alan started, desperate to talk, "I wanted to order some new race suits and uniforms now that some of our sponsors have changed"

Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن