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"No, I can't. I mean Babe's, they don't really affect anyone here, but I'm not sure I could deal with having an extra sense, especially one that affected other people"

Alan's words echoed in Jeff's mind over and over, rattling at the edges and burning at his core. Is this what heartbreak felt like? Jeff wouldn't know, he'd never experienced it before, never cared enough about someone to be at risk. But he'd been foolish and he'd let the Alpha in. He'd dropped his walls far too easily, an action that he now deeply regretted. He'd built them up for a reason, for protection, and now he knew what he was trying to protect himself from.

His t-shirt was wet as the tears rolling down his face dropped off of his cheeks onto the white cotton. How he wished he had the power to turn back time, to that stupid night at the store when they'd first met, when he'd seen that fake future, one that he knew now would never come true.

Alan didn't want to be involved with anyone who had special senses, he clearly tolerated Babe's because they weren't bothersome. He thought again about the conversation that he had overheard. Was that really Alan? It didn't sound like something that man he had come to know would say. But he knew that it was, he recognised his voice, he'd heard it enough, closely whispered in his ear. He closed his eyes, he could hear the deep husky tone and the way the pitch went slightly higher when he said Jeff's name.

He brushed away his tears with the back of his hand, he couldn't go on like this. He needed to forget all about the Alpha and go back to how he was before, safe and alone. Splashing cool water on his face from the bathroom sink, he took deep, slow breaths, trying to compose himself enough to get through the rest of the day. What he really wanted to do was run, but he knew Alan would make a scene and he didn't want that, not in front of the other staff. No, he'd keep busy for the next few hours and then leave quietly. For good.

There was work to do on one of the other race cars that he had planned to start the following day, but he decided to begin now, not wanting to sit at his desk having to look at the Alpha all afternoon. After drying his face he took one final deep breath before leaving the locker room, praying that he didn't bump into anyone, or just one person in particular.

"Hey, Kid"

Oh great, fallen at the first hurdle. Jeff stopped realising that the voice was coming from behind him.

"Want to get lunch?"

No, he could not go anywhere with the Alpha. "Err, I already ate actually, sorry, you were busy" he lied.

"Oh, no problem" Alan had moved in front of him now, that stupid, adorable smile on his face.

"I've got work to do," Jeff said quietly, walking away.

"Hey", Alan had reached out and clutched Jeff's arm, the contact igniting a smouldering fire inside of Jeff, one that he wanted so desperately to put out.

"Are you okay?" The Alpha's voice was laced with concern, maybe he did care.


"Yeah, I'm fine, just want to get this done before tomorrow" He forced a smile, he didn't want to alert the Alpha to anything.

"Right, well, there's no rush, we have the rest of the week...."Just then Alan's phone started ringing, a welcome reprieve to Jeff. "Ah, I better take this. Later, okay?" And he was gone.

Jeff let out a long breath, a bittersweet mixture of relief and disappointment washed over him. It was for the best, he thought.

Fortunately he didn't see Alan again that afternoon, clearly the phone call had brought something pressing that needed dealing with, so Jeff did as he had wanted and worked on the car adjustments, leaving extensive notes for whomever would take it over.

"Night Jeff, we're heading off early, just you and the boss left" North said as he walked past Jeff on the way out of the workshop.

"Right, goodbye North"

"Goodbye? I'll see you tomorrow" North laughed as he waved. No you won't, Jeff thought to himself.

Once he had finished the final notes on the service sheet he picked up a white envelope from the workstation and walked to the locker room. He grabbed his bag, packing everything in it from his locker that he had come accustomed to leaving there overnight and headed to Alan's office. Stopping at the open door, he took in two deep, languid breaths to steady his nerves. He could do this.

When he entered the office he found Alan bent over his desk, scribbling something on a piece of paper, rubbing his forehead as he murmured inaudible words. He felt a swell in his chest. Is this what it had come to? Just the sight of the man had him feeling completely and utterly bewitched. He was doing the right thing, he knew that now. He had to protect himself.

Alan must have heard him breathing and looked up from his desk, "Oh hey Kid".

Jeff said nothing, his face expressionless. He stepped forward and placed the crisp white envelope on the desk. Alan looked down at the item and back up at Jeff, "What's this?"

Jeff's voice was shaky, but he did his best to maintain a calm tone, "Thank you for everything, but I think it's best that my time here comes to and end"

"What?" Alan shook his head, pushing himself up to stand, "What are you talking about?"

Jeff drew in a deep breath before speaking, "Let's break up"





Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now