The Date Part 2

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"Are you okay Kid?"

Jeff could hear the muffled tone of the Alpha's voice but the words hung suspended in the air, his brain unable to process them. What the fuck had he just seen? He could scarcely believe the fleeting future that had flashed before his eyes. He must be wrong, it couldn't be that, surely not. His neck was stinging, the skin tingling beneath his sweaty palm, the vision had been that vivid. Was that really.... a mate mark? It couldn't be. What would an Alpha like Alan want with a useless Omega like Jeff?

"Have I got something on my mouth?"

He heard the words this time, blinking rapidly as he pulled himself out of the mysterious, hazy trance and back to reality.

"" he fumbled his words, "I got an electric shock when we touched just then"

Alan chuckled nervously, "Ah, right, sorry about that, it was accidental" he said, bringing his offending hand to the back of his head.

In an attempt to reassure the Alpha, Jeff smiled, his eyes falling to the Alpha's mouth once again. What was happening to him? What was this feeling stirring up his insides?

"Let's get going shall we?" the Alpha asked, not really wanting a response, "we don't want to be late" he added as he shifted the Jeep into drive.

"Late for what?" Jeff enquired, desperate to know where they were going.

The Alpha smiled as he looked through the windscreen at the traffic ahead, "You'll find out when we get there"

Jeff huffed, his arms folding across his chest, "You don't like giving anything away do you? I'm sure you're keeping quiet just to wind me up"

Laughter exploded from the Alpha's mouth, displaying those hypnotizing dimples to the startled Omega next to him. As the traffic came to a stop, the Alpha turned to look at his passenger, his eyes staring directly into Jeff's, "You're cute when you're sulking. Has anyone ever told you that?"

Jeff scoffed, he could feel a warmth rising up his cheeks so he quickly turned his head to look out of the side window. Cute? How absurd.

He didn't smile, most definitely not.


Jeff wasn't really sure how long they'd been driving, he hadn't paid any attention to the time that was passing. Normally he would feel anxious, being alone with an Alpha in an enclosed space, but with this Alpha, he didn't. It was that simple, he just didn't feel threatened at all by Alan. Maybe it was the calming pheromones that he seemed to constantly be emitting, the sweet pine was a natural scent to Jeff now, in fact, he felt uneasy when he couldn't smell it. When the heck had that happened?

The car journey had actually been really enjoyable. There were no awkward silences, they had chatted casually for almost the entire drive, the Alpha wanting to know all about the things Jeff liked. At first, the Omega had found the questions a little odd, answering in short vague responses, but at some point, and without realising it, he had started to open up. His answers had grown longer, including more personal details about himself that he had never told anyone. Things that would seem so simple and unimportant to someone else, like a favourite food or colour, to Jeff, these were details that no one had ever wanted to know. But this Alpha, he asked all about these insignificant little parts of Jeff, and he seemed so happy to hear the answers.

"Here we are," the Alpha announced as he pulled the Jeep into the large parking area.

"The beach?" Jeff questioned as he looked out of the car's windscreen at the soft golden sand in front of them.

Alan turned to look at Jeff, the smile plastered across his face fading fast when he caught a glimpse of the Omega's expression.

"You don't like the beach? Shit, I'm an idiot, I should have asked you first. Oh my...."

Pitbabe Love In Visions- Alan and Jeff's Love Story AUWhere stories live. Discover now